database = $database; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public static function create(ContainerInterface $container, array $configuration, $plugin_id, $plugin_definition) { return new static($configuration, $plugin_id, $plugin_definition, $container->get('database')); } public function title() { if (!$this->argument) { $title = \Drupal::config('user.settings')->get('anonymous'); } else { $title = $this->database->query('SELECT name FROM {users_field_data} WHERE uid = :uid AND default_langcode = 1', [':uid' => $this->argument])->fetchField(); } if (empty($title)) { return $this->t('No user'); } return $title; } protected function defaultActions($which = NULL) { // Disallow summary views on this argument. if (!$which) { $actions = parent::defaultActions(); unset($actions['summary asc']); unset($actions['summary desc']); return $actions; } if ($which != 'summary asc' && $which != 'summary desc') { return parent::defaultActions($which); } } public function query($group_by = FALSE) { $this->ensureMyTable(); // Use the table definition to correctly add this user ID condition. if ($this->table != 'comment_field_data') { $subselect = $this->database->select('comment_field_data', 'c'); $subselect->addField('c', 'cid'); $subselect->condition('c.uid', $this->argument); $entity_id = $this->definition['entity_id']; $entity_type = $this->definition['entity_type']; $subselect->where("c.entity_id = $this->tableAlias.$entity_id"); $subselect->condition('c.entity_type', $entity_type); $condition = (new Condition('OR')) ->condition("$this->tableAlias.uid", $this->argument, '=') ->exists($subselect); $this->query->addWhere(0, $condition); } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getSortName() { return $this->t('Numerical', [], ['context' => 'Sort order']); } }