drupalCreateUser(['administer actions']); $this->drupalLogin($user); // Make a POST request to admin/config/system/actions. $edit = []; $edit['action'] = 'action_goto_action'; $this->drupalPostForm('admin/config/system/actions', $edit, t('Create')); $this->assertResponse(200); // Make a POST request to the individual action configuration page. $edit = []; $action_label = $this->randomMachineName(); $edit['label'] = $action_label; $edit['id'] = strtolower($action_label); $edit['url'] = 'admin'; $this->drupalPostForm('admin/config/system/actions/add/action_goto_action', $edit, t('Save')); $this->assertResponse(200); $action_id = $edit['id']; // Make sure that the new complex action was saved properly. $this->assertText(t('The action has been successfully saved.'), "Make sure we get a confirmation that we've successfully saved the complex action."); $this->assertText($action_label, "Make sure the action label appears on the configuration page after we've saved the complex action."); // Make another POST request to the action edit page. $this->clickLink(t('Configure')); $edit = []; $new_action_label = $this->randomMachineName(); $edit['label'] = $new_action_label; $edit['url'] = 'admin'; $this->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, t('Save')); $this->assertResponse(200); // Make sure that the action updated properly. $this->assertText(t('The action has been successfully saved.'), "Make sure we get a confirmation that we've successfully updated the complex action."); $this->assertNoText($action_label, "Make sure the old action label does NOT appear on the configuration page after we've updated the complex action."); $this->assertText($new_action_label, "Make sure the action label appears on the configuration page after we've updated the complex action."); $this->clickLink(t('Configure')); $element = $this->xpath('//input[@type="text" and @value="admin"]'); $this->assertTrue(!empty($element), 'Make sure the URL appears when re-editing the action.'); // Make sure that deletions work properly. $this->drupalGet('admin/config/system/actions'); $this->clickLink(t('Delete')); $this->assertResponse(200); $edit = []; $this->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, t('Delete')); $this->assertResponse(200); // Make sure that the action was actually deleted. $this->assertRaw(t('The action %action has been deleted.', ['%action' => $new_action_label]), 'Make sure that we get a delete confirmation message.'); $this->drupalGet('admin/config/system/actions'); $this->assertResponse(200); $this->assertNoText($new_action_label, "Make sure the action label does not appear on the overview page after we've deleted the action."); $action = Action::load($action_id); $this->assertFalse($action, 'Make sure the action is gone after being deleted.'); } }