attributes->get(self::SANITIZED, FALSE)) { $update_globals = FALSE; $bags = [ 'query' => 'Potentially unsafe keys removed from query string parameters (GET): %s', 'request' => 'Potentially unsafe keys removed from request body parameters (POST): %s', 'cookies' => 'Potentially unsafe keys removed from cookie parameters: %s', ]; foreach ($bags as $bag => $message) { if (static::processParameterBag($request->$bag, $whitelist, $log_sanitized_keys, $bag, $message)) { $update_globals = TRUE; } } if ($update_globals) { $request->overrideGlobals(); } $request->attributes->set(self::SANITIZED, TRUE); } return $request; } /** * Processes a request parameter bag. * * @param \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ParameterBag $bag * The parameter bag to process. * @param string[] $whitelist * An array of keys to whitelist as safe. * @param bool $log_sanitized_keys * Set to TRUE to log keys that are sanitized. * @param string $bag_name * The request parameter bag name. Either 'query', 'request' or 'cookies'. * @param string $message * The message to log if the parameter bag contains keys that are removed. * If the message contains %s that is replaced by a list of removed keys. * * @return bool * TRUE if the parameter bag has been sanitized, FALSE if not. */ protected static function processParameterBag(ParameterBag $bag, $whitelist, $log_sanitized_keys, $bag_name, $message) { $sanitized = FALSE; $sanitized_keys = []; $bag->replace(static::stripDangerousValues($bag->all(), $whitelist, $sanitized_keys)); if (!empty($sanitized_keys)) { $sanitized = TRUE; if ($log_sanitized_keys) { trigger_error(sprintf($message, implode(', ', $sanitized_keys))); } } if ($bag->has('destination')) { $destination_dangerous_keys = static::checkDestination($bag->get('destination'), $whitelist); if (!empty($destination_dangerous_keys)) { // The destination is removed rather than sanitized because the URL // generator service is not available and this method is called very // early in the bootstrap. $bag->remove('destination'); $sanitized = TRUE; if ($log_sanitized_keys) { trigger_error(sprintf('Potentially unsafe destination removed from %s parameter bag because it contained the following keys: %s', $bag_name, implode(', ', $destination_dangerous_keys))); } } } return $sanitized; } /** * Checks a destination string to see if it is dangerous. * * @param string $destination * The destination string to check. * @param array $whitelist * An array of keys to whitelist as safe. * * @return array * The dangerous keys found in the destination parameter. */ protected static function checkDestination($destination, array $whitelist) { $dangerous_keys = []; $parts = UrlHelper::parse($destination); // If there is a query string, check its query parameters. if (!empty($parts['query'])) { static::stripDangerousValues($parts['query'], $whitelist, $dangerous_keys); } return $dangerous_keys; } /** * Strips dangerous keys from $input. * * @param mixed $input * The input to sanitize. * @param string[] $whitelist * An array of keys to whitelist as safe. * @param string[] $sanitized_keys * An array of keys that have been removed. * * @return mixed * The sanitized input. */ protected static function stripDangerousValues($input, array $whitelist, array &$sanitized_keys) { if (is_array($input)) { foreach ($input as $key => $value) { if ($key !== '' && $key[0] === '#' && !in_array($key, $whitelist, TRUE)) { unset($input[$key]); $sanitized_keys[] = $key; } else { $input[$key] = static::stripDangerousValues($input[$key], $whitelist, $sanitized_keys); } } } return $input; } }