placeholderStrategies[] = $strategy; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function processPlaceholders(array $placeholders) { if (empty($placeholders)) { return []; } // Assert that there is at least one strategy. assert('!empty($this->placeholderStrategies)', 'At least one placeholder strategy must be present; by default the fallback strategy \Drupal\Core\Render\Placeholder\SingleFlushStrategy is always present.'); $new_placeholders = []; // Give each placeholder strategy a chance to replace all not-yet replaced // placeholders. The order of placeholder strategies is well defined // and this uses a variation of the "chain of responsibility" design pattern. foreach ($this->placeholderStrategies as $strategy) { $processed_placeholders = $strategy->processPlaceholders($placeholders); assert('array_intersect_key($processed_placeholders, $placeholders) === $processed_placeholders', 'Processed placeholders must be a subset of all placeholders.'); $placeholders = array_diff_key($placeholders, $processed_placeholders); $new_placeholders += $processed_placeholders; if (empty($placeholders)) { break; } } return $new_placeholders; } }