treeStorage = $tree_storage; $this->menuLinkManager = $menu_link_manager; $this->routeProvider = $route_provider; $this->menuActiveTrail = $menu_active_trail; $this->controllerResolver = $controller_resolver; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getCurrentRouteMenuTreeParameters($menu_name) { $active_trail = $this->menuActiveTrail->getActiveTrailIds($menu_name); $parameters = new MenuTreeParameters(); $parameters->setActiveTrail($active_trail) // We want links in the active trail to be expanded. ->addExpandedParents($active_trail) // We marked the links in the active trail to be expanded, but we also // want their descendants that have the "expanded" flag enabled to be // expanded. ->addExpandedParents($this->treeStorage->getExpanded($menu_name, $active_trail)); return $parameters; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function load($menu_name, MenuTreeParameters $parameters) { $data = $this->treeStorage->loadTreeData($menu_name, $parameters); // Pre-load all the route objects in the tree for access checks. if ($data['route_names']) { $this->routeProvider->getRoutesByNames($data['route_names']); } return $this->createInstances($data['tree']); } /** * Returns a tree containing of MenuLinkTreeElement based upon tree data. * * This method converts the tree representation as array coming from the tree * storage to a tree containing a list of MenuLinkTreeElement[]. * * @param array $data_tree * The tree data coming from the menu tree storage. * * @return \Drupal\Core\Menu\MenuLinkTreeElement[] * An array containing the elements of a menu tree. */ protected function createInstances(array $data_tree) { $tree = []; foreach ($data_tree as $key => $element) { $subtree = $this->createInstances($element['subtree']); // Build a MenuLinkTreeElement out of the menu tree link definition: // transform the tree link definition into a link definition and store // tree metadata. $tree[$key] = new MenuLinkTreeElement( $this->menuLinkManager->createInstance($element['definition']['id']), (bool) $element['has_children'], (int) $element['depth'], (bool) $element['in_active_trail'], $subtree ); } return $tree; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function transform(array $tree, array $manipulators) { foreach ($manipulators as $manipulator) { $callable = $manipulator['callable']; $callable = $this->controllerResolver->getControllerFromDefinition($callable); // Prepare the arguments for the menu tree manipulator callable; the first // argument is always the menu link tree. if (isset($manipulator['args'])) { array_unshift($manipulator['args'], $tree); $tree = call_user_func_array($callable, $manipulator['args']); } else { $tree = call_user_func($callable, $tree); } } return $tree; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function build(array $tree) { $tree_access_cacheability = new CacheableMetadata(); $tree_link_cacheability = new CacheableMetadata(); $items = $this->buildItems($tree, $tree_access_cacheability, $tree_link_cacheability); $build = []; // Apply the tree-wide gathered access cacheability metadata and link // cacheability metadata to the render array. This ensures that the // rendered menu is varied by the cache contexts that the access results // and (dynamic) links depended upon, and invalidated by the cache tags // that may change the values of the access results and links. $tree_cacheability = $tree_access_cacheability->merge($tree_link_cacheability); $tree_cacheability->applyTo($build); if ($items) { // Make sure drupal_render() does not re-order the links. $build['#sorted'] = TRUE; // Get the menu name from the last link. $item = end($items); $link = $item['original_link']; $menu_name = $link->getMenuName(); // Add the theme wrapper for outer markup. // Allow menu-specific theme overrides. $build['#theme'] = 'menu__' . strtr($menu_name, '-', '_'); $build['#menu_name'] = $menu_name; $build['#items'] = $items; // Set cache tag. $build['#cache']['tags'][] = '' . $menu_name; } return $build; } /** * Builds the #items property for a menu tree's renderable array. * * Helper function for ::build(). * * @param \Drupal\Core\Menu\MenuLinkTreeElement[] $tree * A data structure representing the tree, as returned from * MenuLinkTreeInterface::load(). * @param \Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheableMetadata &$tree_access_cacheability * Internal use only. The aggregated cacheability metadata for the access * results across the entire tree. Used when rendering the root level. * @param \Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheableMetadata &$tree_link_cacheability * Internal use only. The aggregated cacheability metadata for the menu * links across the entire tree. Used when rendering the root level. * * @return array * The value to use for the #items property of a renderable menu. * * @throws \DomainException */ protected function buildItems(array $tree, CacheableMetadata &$tree_access_cacheability, CacheableMetadata &$tree_link_cacheability) { $items = []; foreach ($tree as $data) { /** @var \Drupal\Core\Menu\MenuLinkInterface $link */ $link = $data->link; // Generally we only deal with visible links, but just in case. if (!$link->isEnabled()) { continue; } if ($data->access !== NULL && !$data->access instanceof AccessResultInterface) { throw new \DomainException('MenuLinkTreeElement::access must be either NULL or an AccessResultInterface object.'); } // Gather the access cacheability of every item in the menu link tree, // including inaccessible items. This allows us to render cache the menu // tree, yet still automatically vary the rendered menu by the same cache // contexts that the access results vary by. // However, if $data->access is not an AccessResultInterface object, this // will still render the menu link, because this method does not want to // require access checking to be able to render a menu tree. if ($data->access instanceof AccessResultInterface) { $tree_access_cacheability = $tree_access_cacheability->merge(CacheableMetadata::createFromObject($data->access)); } // Gather the cacheability of every item in the menu link tree. Some links // may be dynamic: they may have a dynamic text (e.g. a "Hi, " link // text, which would vary by 'user' cache context), or a dynamic route // name or route parameters. $tree_link_cacheability = $tree_link_cacheability->merge(CacheableMetadata::createFromObject($data->link)); // Only render accessible links. if ($data->access instanceof AccessResultInterface && !$data->access->isAllowed()) { continue; } $element = []; // Set a variable for the
  • tag. Only set 'expanded' to true if the // link also has visible children within the current tree. $element['is_expanded'] = FALSE; $element['is_collapsed'] = FALSE; if ($data->hasChildren && !empty($data->subtree)) { $element['is_expanded'] = TRUE; } elseif ($data->hasChildren) { $element['is_collapsed'] = TRUE; } // Set a helper variable to indicate whether the link is in the active // trail. $element['in_active_trail'] = FALSE; if ($data->inActiveTrail) { $element['in_active_trail'] = TRUE; } // Note: links are rendered in the menu.html.twig template; and they // automatically bubble their associated cacheability metadata. $element['attributes'] = new Attribute(); $element['title'] = $link->getTitle(); $element['url'] = $link->getUrlObject(); $element['url']->setOption('set_active_class', TRUE); $element['below'] = $data->subtree ? $this->buildItems($data->subtree, $tree_access_cacheability, $tree_link_cacheability) : []; if (isset($data->options)) { $element['url']->setOptions(NestedArray::mergeDeep($element['url']->getOptions(), $data->options)); } $element['original_link'] = $link; // Index using the link's unique ID. $items[$link->getPluginId()] = $element; } return $items; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function maxDepth() { return $this->treeStorage->maxDepth(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getSubtreeHeight($id) { return $this->treeStorage->getSubtreeHeight($id); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getExpanded($menu_name, array $parents) { return $this->treeStorage->getExpanded($menu_name, $parents); } }