storage = $storage; $this->eventDispatcher = $event_dispatcher; $this->typedConfigManager = $typed_config; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getEditable($name) { return $this->doGet($name, FALSE); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function get($name) { return $this->doGet($name); } /** * Returns a configuration object for a given name. * * @param string $name * The name of the configuration object to construct. * @param bool $immutable * (optional) Create an immutable configuration object. Defaults to TRUE. * * @return \Drupal\Core\Config\Config|\Drupal\Core\Config\ImmutableConfig * A configuration object. */ protected function doGet($name, $immutable = TRUE) { if ($config = $this->doLoadMultiple([$name], $immutable)) { return $config[$name]; } else { // If the configuration object does not exist in the configuration // storage, create a new object. $config = $this->createConfigObject($name, $immutable); if ($immutable) { // Get and apply any overrides. $overrides = $this->loadOverrides([$name]); if (isset($overrides[$name])) { $config->setModuleOverride($overrides[$name]); } // Apply any settings.php overrides. if (isset($GLOBALS['config'][$name])) { $config->setSettingsOverride($GLOBALS['config'][$name]); } } foreach ($this->configFactoryOverrides as $override) { $config->addCacheableDependency($override->getCacheableMetadata($name)); } return $config; } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function loadMultiple(array $names) { return $this->doLoadMultiple($names); } /** * Returns a list of configuration objects for the given names. * * @param array $names * List of names of configuration objects. * @param bool $immutable * (optional) Create an immutable configuration objects. Defaults to TRUE. * * @return \Drupal\Core\Config\Config[]|\Drupal\Core\Config\ImmutableConfig[] * List of successfully loaded configuration objects, keyed by name. */ protected function doLoadMultiple(array $names, $immutable = TRUE) { $list = []; foreach ($names as $key => $name) { $cache_key = $this->getConfigCacheKey($name, $immutable); if (isset($this->cache[$cache_key])) { $list[$name] = $this->cache[$cache_key]; unset($names[$key]); } } // Pre-load remaining configuration files. if (!empty($names)) { // Initialise override information. $module_overrides = []; $storage_data = $this->storage->readMultiple($names); if ($immutable && !empty($storage_data)) { // Only get module overrides if we have configuration to override. $module_overrides = $this->loadOverrides($names); } foreach ($storage_data as $name => $data) { $cache_key = $this->getConfigCacheKey($name, $immutable); $this->cache[$cache_key] = $this->createConfigObject($name, $immutable); $this->cache[$cache_key]->initWithData($data); if ($immutable) { if (isset($module_overrides[$name])) { $this->cache[$cache_key]->setModuleOverride($module_overrides[$name]); } if (isset($GLOBALS['config'][$name])) { $this->cache[$cache_key]->setSettingsOverride($GLOBALS['config'][$name]); } } $this->propagateConfigOverrideCacheability($cache_key, $name); $list[$name] = $this->cache[$cache_key]; } } return $list; } /** * Get arbitrary overrides for the named configuration objects from modules. * * @param array $names * The names of the configuration objects to get overrides for. * * @return array * An array of overrides keyed by the configuration object name. */ protected function loadOverrides(array $names) { $overrides = []; foreach ($this->configFactoryOverrides as $override) { // Existing overrides take precedence since these will have been added // by events with a higher priority. $overrides = NestedArray::mergeDeepArray([$override->loadOverrides($names), $overrides], TRUE); } return $overrides; } /** * Propagates cacheability of config overrides to cached config objects. * * @param string $cache_key * The key of the cached config object to update. * @param string $name * The name of the configuration object to construct. */ protected function propagateConfigOverrideCacheability($cache_key, $name) { foreach ($this->configFactoryOverrides as $override) { $this->cache[$cache_key]->addCacheableDependency($override->getCacheableMetadata($name)); } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function reset($name = NULL) { if ($name) { // Clear all cached configuration for this name. foreach ($this->getConfigCacheKeys($name) as $cache_key) { unset($this->cache[$cache_key]); } } else { $this->cache = []; } // Clear the static list cache if supported by the storage. if ($this->storage instanceof StorageCacheInterface) { $this->storage->resetListCache(); } return $this; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function rename($old_name, $new_name) { Cache::invalidateTags($this->get($old_name)->getCacheTags()); $this->storage->rename($old_name, $new_name); // Clear out the static cache of any references to the old name. foreach ($this->getConfigCacheKeys($old_name) as $old_cache_key) { unset($this->cache[$old_cache_key]); } // Prime the cache and load the configuration with the correct overrides. $config = $this->get($new_name); $this->eventDispatcher->dispatch(ConfigEvents::RENAME, new ConfigRenameEvent($config, $old_name)); return $this; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getCacheKeys() { // Because get() adds overrides both from $GLOBALS and from // $this->configFactoryOverrides, add cache keys for each. $keys[] = 'global_overrides'; foreach ($this->configFactoryOverrides as $override) { $keys[] = $override->getCacheSuffix(); } return $keys; } /** * Gets the static cache key for a given config name. * * @param string $name * The name of the configuration object. * @param bool $immutable * Whether or not the object is mutable. * * @return string * The cache key. */ protected function getConfigCacheKey($name, $immutable) { $suffix = ''; if ($immutable) { $suffix = ':' . implode(':', $this->getCacheKeys()); } return $name . $suffix; } /** * Gets all the cache keys that match the provided config name. * * @param string $name * The name of the configuration object. * * @return array * An array of cache keys that match the provided config name. */ protected function getConfigCacheKeys($name) { return array_filter(array_keys($this->cache), function($key) use ($name) { // Return TRUE if the key is the name or starts with the configuration // name plus the delimiter. return $key === $name || strpos($key, $name . ':') === 0; }); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function clearStaticCache() { $this->cache = []; return $this; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function listAll($prefix = '') { return $this->storage->listAll($prefix); } /** * Updates stale static cache entries when configuration is saved. * * @param ConfigCrudEvent $event * The configuration event. */ public function onConfigSave(ConfigCrudEvent $event) { // Ensure that the static cache contains up to date configuration objects by // replacing the data on any entries for the configuration object apart // from the one that references the actual config object being saved. $saved_config = $event->getConfig(); foreach ($this->getConfigCacheKeys($saved_config->getName()) as $cache_key) { $cached_config = $this->cache[$cache_key]; if ($cached_config !== $saved_config) { // We can not just update the data since other things about the object // might have changed. For example, whether or not it is new. $this->cache[$cache_key]->initWithData($saved_config->getRawData()); } } } /** * Removes stale static cache entries when configuration is deleted. * * @param \Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigCrudEvent $event * The configuration event. */ public function onConfigDelete(ConfigCrudEvent $event) { // Ensure that the static cache does not contain deleted configuration. foreach ($this->getConfigCacheKeys($event->getConfig()->getName()) as $cache_key) { unset($this->cache[$cache_key]); } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public static function getSubscribedEvents() { $events[ConfigEvents::SAVE][] = ['onConfigSave', 255]; $events[ConfigEvents::DELETE][] = ['onConfigDelete', 255]; return $events; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function addOverride(ConfigFactoryOverrideInterface $config_factory_override) { $this->configFactoryOverrides[] = $config_factory_override; } /** * Creates a configuration object. * * @param string $name * Configuration object name. * @param bool $immutable * Determines whether a mutable or immutable config object is returned. * * @return \Drupal\Core\Config\Config|\Drupal\Core\Config\ImmutableConfig * The configuration object. */ protected function createConfigObject($name, $immutable) { if ($immutable) { return new ImmutableConfig($name, $this->storage, $this->eventDispatcher, $this->typedConfigManager); } return new Config($name, $this->storage, $this->eventDispatcher, $this->typedConfigManager); } }