getMockBuilder('ReflectionClass') ->disableOriginalConstructor() ->getMock(); $reflector->expects($this->once()) ->method('getDocComment') ->will($this->returnValue($comment)); $docblock = new Docblock($reflector); $this->assertSame($body, $docblock->desc); foreach ($tags as $tag => $value) { $this->assertTrue($docblock->hasTag($tag)); $this->assertEquals($value, $docblock->tag($tag)); } } public function comments() { if (\defined('HHVM_VERSION')) { $this->markTestSkipped('We have issues with PHPUnit mocks on HHVM.'); } return [ ['', '', []], [ '/** * This is a docblock * * @throws \Exception with a description */', 'This is a docblock', [ 'throws' => [['type' => '\Exception', 'desc' => 'with a description']], ], ], [ '/** * This is a slightly longer docblock * * @param int $foo Is a Foo * @param string $bar With some sort of description * @param \ClassName $baz is cool too * * @return int At least it isn\'t a string */', 'This is a slightly longer docblock', [ 'param' => [ ['type' => 'int', 'desc' => 'Is a Foo', 'var' => '$foo'], ['type' => 'string', 'desc' => 'With some sort of description', 'var' => '$bar'], ['type' => '\ClassName', 'desc' => 'is cool too', 'var' => '$baz'], ], 'return' => [ ['type' => 'int', 'desc' => 'At least it isn\'t a string'], ], ], ], [ '/** * This is a docblock! * * It spans lines, too! * * @tagname plus a description * * @return */', "This is a docblock!\n\nIt spans lines, too!", [ 'tagname' => ['plus a description'], ], ], ]; } }