pass = new LoopContextPass(); $this->traverser = new NodeTraverser(); $this->traverser->addVisitor($this->pass); } /** * @dataProvider invalidStatements * @expectedException \Psy\Exception\FatalErrorException */ public function testProcessStatementFails($code) { $stmts = $this->parse($code); $this->traverser->traverse($stmts); } public function invalidStatements() { return array( array('continue'), array('break'), array('if (true) { continue; }'), array('if (true) { break; }'), array('if (false) { continue; }'), array('if (false) { break; }'), array('function foo() { break; }'), array('function foo() { continue; }'), // actually enforce break/continue depth argument array('do { break 2; } while (true)'), array('do { continue 2; } while (true)'), array('for ($a; $b; $c) { break 2; }'), array('for ($a; $b; $c) { continue 2; }'), array('foreach ($a as $b) { break 2; }'), array('foreach ($a as $b) { continue 2; }'), array('switch (true) { default: break 2; }'), array('switch (true) { default: continue 2; }'), array('while (true) { break 2; }'), array('while (true) { continue 2; }'), // invalid in 5.4+ because they're floats // ... in 5.3 because the number is too big array('while (true) { break 2.0; }'), array('while (true) { continue 2.0; }'), // and once with nested loops, just for good measure array('while (true) { while (true) { break 3; } }'), array('while (true) { while (true) { continue 3; } }'), ); } /** * @dataProvider invalidPHP54Statements * @expectedException \Psy\Exception\FatalErrorException */ public function testPHP54ProcessStatementFails($code) { if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4.0', '<')) { $this->markTestSkipped(); } $stmts = $this->parse($code); $this->traverser->traverse($stmts); } public function invalidPHP54Statements() { return array( // In PHP 5.4+, only positive literal integers are allowed array('while (true) { break $n; }'), array('while (true) { continue $n; }'), array('while (true) { break N; }'), array('while (true) { continue N; }'), array('while (true) { break 0; }'), array('while (true) { continue 0; }'), array('while (true) { break -1; }'), array('while (true) { continue -1; }'), array('while (true) { break 1.0; }'), array('while (true) { continue 1.0; }'), ); } /** * @dataProvider validStatements */ public function testProcessStatementPasses($code) { $stmts = $this->parse($code); $this->traverser->traverse($stmts); // @todo a better thing to assert here? $this->assertTrue(true); } public function validStatements() { return array( array('do { break; } while (true)'), array('do { continue; } while (true)'), array('for ($a; $b; $c) { break; }'), array('for ($a; $b; $c) { continue; }'), array('foreach ($a as $b) { break; }'), array('foreach ($a as $b) { continue; }'), array('switch (true) { default: break; }'), array('switch (true) { default: continue; }'), array('while (true) { break; }'), array('while (true) { continue; }'), // `break 1` is redundant, but not invalid array('while (true) { break 1; }'), array('while (true) { continue 1; }'), // and once with nested loops just for good measure array('while (true) { while (true) { break 2; } }'), array('while (true) { while (true) { continue 2; } }'), ); } }