pass = new FunctionReturnInWriteContextPass(); $this->traverser = new NodeTraverser(); $this->traverser->addVisitor($this->pass); } /** * @dataProvider invalidStatements * @expectedException \Psy\Exception\FatalErrorException * @expectedExceptionMessage Can't use function return value in write context */ public function testProcessStatementFails($code) { $stmts = $this->parse($code); $this->traverser->traverse($stmts); } public function invalidStatements() { return array( array('f(&g())'), array('array(& $object->method())'), array('$a->method(& $closure())'), array('array(& A::b())'), array('f() = 5'), ); } public function testIsset() { try { $this->traverser->traverse($this->parse('isset(strtolower("A"))')); $this->fail(); } catch (FatalErrorException $e) { if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.5', '>=')) { $this->assertContains( 'Cannot use isset() on the result of a function call (you can use "null !== func()" instead)', $e->getMessage() ); } else { $this->assertContains("Can't use function return value in write context", $e->getMessage()); } } } /** * @expectedException \Psy\Exception\FatalErrorException * @expectedExceptionMessage Can't use function return value in write context */ public function testEmpty() { if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.5', '>=')) { $this->markTestSkipped(); } $this->traverser->traverse($this->parse('empty(strtolower("A"))')); } }