getOption('constants')) { return; } $noInherit = $input->getOption('no-inherit'); $constants = $this->prepareConstants($this->getConstants($reflector, $noInherit)); if (empty($constants)) { return; } $ret = array(); $ret[$this->getKindLabel($reflector)] = $constants; return $ret; } /** * Get defined constants for the given class or object Reflector. * * @param \Reflector $reflector * @param bool $noInherit Exclude inherited constants * * @return array */ protected function getConstants(\Reflector $reflector, $noInherit = false) { $className = $reflector->getName(); $constants = array(); foreach ($reflector->getConstants() as $name => $constant) { $constReflector = new ReflectionConstant($reflector, $name); if ($noInherit && $constReflector->getDeclaringClass()->getName() !== $className) { continue; } $constants[$name] = $constReflector; } // @todo this should be natcasesort ksort($constants); return $constants; } /** * Prepare formatted constant array. * * @param array $constants * * @return array */ protected function prepareConstants(array $constants) { // My kingdom for a generator. $ret = array(); foreach ($constants as $name => $constant) { if ($this->showItem($name)) { $ret[$name] = array( 'name' => $name, 'style' => self::IS_CONSTANT, 'value' => $this->presentRef($constant->getValue()), ); } } return $ret; } /** * Get a label for the particular kind of "class" represented. * * @param \ReflectionClass $reflector * * @return string */ protected function getKindLabel(\ReflectionClass $reflector) { if ($reflector->isInterface()) { return 'Interface Constants'; } elseif (method_exists($reflector, 'isTrait') && $reflector->isTrait()) { return 'Trait Constants'; } else { return 'Class Constants'; } } }