point = 'POINT(14 6)'; R::store($location); $columns = R::inspect( 'location' ); asrt( $columns['point'], 'point' ); $location = $location->fresh(); asrt( $location->point, 'POINT(14 6)' ); R::nuke(); $location = R::dispense( 'location' ); $location->point = 'LINESTRING(0 0,1 1,2 2)'; R::store($location); $columns = R::inspect( 'location' ); asrt( $columns['point'], 'linestring' ); $location->bustcache = 2; R::store($location); $location = $location->fresh(); asrt( $location->point, 'LINESTRING(0 0,1 1,2 2)' ); R::nuke(); $location = R::dispense( 'location' ); $location->point = 'POLYGON((0 0,10 0,10 10,0 10,0 0),(5 5,7 5,7 7,5 7,5 5))'; R::store($location); $columns = R::inspect( 'location' ); asrt( $columns['point'], 'polygon' ); $location->bustcache = 4; R::store($location); $location = $location->fresh(); asrt( $location->point, 'POLYGON((0 0,10 0,10 10,0 10,0 0),(5 5,7 5,7 7,5 7,5 5))' ); R::bindFunc( 'read', 'location.point', NULL ); $location->bustcache = 1; R::store($location); $location = $location->fresh(); asrt( ( $location->point === 'POLYGON((0 0,10 0,10 10,0 10,0 0),(5 5,7 5,7 7,5 7,5 5))' ), FALSE ); $filters = AQueryWriter::getSQLFilters(); asrt( is_array( $filters ), TRUE ); asrt( count( $filters ), 2 ); asrt( isset( $filters[ QueryWriter::C_SQLFILTER_READ] ), TRUE ); asrt( isset( $filters[ QueryWriter::C_SQLFILTER_WRITE] ), TRUE ); R::bindFunc( 'read', 'place.point', 'asText' ); R::bindFunc( 'write', 'place.point', 'GeomFromText' ); R::bindFunc( 'read', 'place.line', 'asText' ); R::bindFunc( 'write', 'place.line', 'GeomFromText' ); R::nuke(); $place = R::dispense( 'place' ); $place->point = 'POINT(13.2 666.6)'; $place->line = 'LINESTRING(9.2 0,3 1.33)'; R::store( $place ); $columns = R::inspect( 'place' ); asrt( $columns['point'], 'point' ); asrt( $columns['line'], 'linestring' ); $place = R::findOne('place'); asrt( $place->point, 'POINT(13.2 666.6)' ); asrt( $place->line, 'LINESTRING(9.2 0,3 1.33)' ); R::bindFunc( 'read', 'place.point', NULL ); R::bindFunc( 'write', 'place.point', NULL ); R::bindFunc( 'read', 'place.line', NULL ); R::bindFunc( 'write', 'place.line', NULL ); } /** * Test scanning and coding of values. * * @return void */ public function testScanningAndCoding() { $toolbox = R::getToolBox(); $adapter = $toolbox->getDatabaseAdapter(); $writer = $toolbox->getWriter(); $redbean = $toolbox->getRedBean(); $pdo = $adapter->getDatabase(); $a = new AssociationManager( $toolbox ); $adapter->exec( "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS testtable" ); asrt( in_array( "testtable", $adapter->getCol( "show tables" ) ), FALSE ); $writer->createTable( "testtable" ); asrt( in_array( "testtable", $adapter->getCol( "show tables" ) ), TRUE ); asrt( count( array_diff( $writer->getTables(), $adapter->getCol( "show tables" ) ) ), 0 ); asrt( count( array_keys( $writer->getColumns( "testtable" ) ) ), 1 ); asrt( in_array( "id", array_keys( $writer->getColumns( "testtable" ) ) ), TRUE ); asrt( in_array( "c1", array_keys( $writer->getColumns( "testtable" ) ) ), FALSE ); $writer->addColumn( "testtable", "c1", MySQL::C_DATATYPE_UINT32 ); asrt( count( array_keys( $writer->getColumns( "testtable" ) ) ), 2 ); asrt( in_array( "c1", array_keys( $writer->getColumns( "testtable" ) ) ), TRUE ); foreach ( $writer->sqltype_typeno as $key => $type ) { if ( $type < 100 ) { asrt( $writer->code( $key, TRUE ), $type ); } else { asrt( $writer->code( $key, TRUE ), MySQL::C_DATATYPE_SPECIFIED ); } } asrt( $writer->code( MySQL::C_DATATYPE_SPECIAL_DATETIME ), MySQL::C_DATATYPE_SPECIFIED ); asrt( $writer->code( "unknown" ), MySQL::C_DATATYPE_SPECIFIED ); asrt( $writer->scanType( FALSE ), MySQL::C_DATATYPE_BOOL ); asrt( $writer->scanType( TRUE ), MySQL::C_DATATYPE_BOOL ); asrt( $writer->scanType( INF ), MySQL::C_DATATYPE_TEXT7 ); asrt( $writer->scanType( NULL ), MySQL::C_DATATYPE_BOOL ); asrt( $writer->scanType( 2 ), MySQL::C_DATATYPE_UINT32 ); asrt( $writer->scanType( 255 ), MySQL::C_DATATYPE_UINT32 ); //no more uint8 asrt( $writer->scanType( 256 ), MySQL::C_DATATYPE_UINT32 ); asrt( $writer->scanType( -1 ), MySQL::C_DATATYPE_DOUBLE ); asrt( $writer->scanType( 1.5 ), MySQL::C_DATATYPE_DOUBLE ); asrt( $writer->scanType( "abc" ), MySQL::C_DATATYPE_TEXT7 ); asrt( $writer->scanType( str_repeat( 'abcd', 100000 ) ), MySQL::C_DATATYPE_TEXT32 ); asrt( $writer->scanType( "2001-10-10", TRUE ), MySQL::C_DATATYPE_SPECIAL_DATE ); asrt( $writer->scanType( "2001-10-10 10:00:00", TRUE ), MySQL::C_DATATYPE_SPECIAL_DATETIME ); asrt( $writer->scanType( "2001-10-10" ), MySQL::C_DATATYPE_TEXT7 ); asrt( $writer->scanType( "2001-10-10 10:00:00" ), MySQL::C_DATATYPE_TEXT7 ); asrt( $writer->scanType( "1.23", TRUE ), MySQL::C_DATATYPE_SPECIAL_MONEY ); asrt( $writer->scanType( "12.23", TRUE ), MySQL::C_DATATYPE_SPECIAL_MONEY ); asrt( $writer->scanType( "124.23", TRUE ), MySQL::C_DATATYPE_SPECIAL_MONEY ); asrt( $writer->scanType( str_repeat( "lorem ipsum", 100 ) ), MySQL::C_DATATYPE_TEXT16 ); $writer->widenColumn( "testtable", "c1", MySQL::C_DATATYPE_UINT32 ); $writer->addColumn( "testtable", "special", MySQL::C_DATATYPE_SPECIAL_DATE ); $cols = $writer->getColumns( "testtable" ); asrt( $writer->code( $cols['special'], TRUE ), MySQL::C_DATATYPE_SPECIAL_DATE ); asrt( $writer->code( $cols['special'], FALSE ), MySQL::C_DATATYPE_SPECIFIED ); $writer->addColumn( "testtable", "special2", MySQL::C_DATATYPE_SPECIAL_DATETIME ); $cols = $writer->getColumns( "testtable" ); asrt( $writer->code( $cols['special2'], TRUE ), MySQL::C_DATATYPE_SPECIAL_DATETIME ); asrt( $writer->code( $cols['special'], FALSE ), MySQL::C_DATATYPE_SPECIFIED ); $cols = $writer->getColumns( "testtable" ); asrt( $writer->code( $cols["c1"] ), MySQL::C_DATATYPE_UINT32 ); $writer->widenColumn( "testtable", "c1", MySQL::C_DATATYPE_DOUBLE ); $cols = $writer->getColumns( "testtable" ); asrt( $writer->code( $cols["c1"] ), MySQL::C_DATATYPE_DOUBLE ); $writer->widenColumn( "testtable", "c1", MySQL::C_DATATYPE_TEXT7 ); $cols = $writer->getColumns( "testtable" ); asrt( $writer->code( $cols["c1"] ), MySQL::C_DATATYPE_TEXT7 ); $writer->widenColumn( "testtable", "c1", MySQL::C_DATATYPE_TEXT8 ); $cols = $writer->getColumns( "testtable" ); asrt( $writer->code( $cols["c1"] ), MySQL::C_DATATYPE_TEXT8 ); $id = $writer->updateRecord( "testtable", array( array( "property" => "c1", "value" => "lorem ipsum" ) ) ); $row = $writer->queryRecord( "testtable", array( "id" => array( $id ) ) ); asrt( $row[0]["c1"], "lorem ipsum" ); $writer->updateRecord( "testtable", array( array( "property" => "c1", "value" => "ipsum lorem" ) ), $id ); $row = $writer->queryRecord( "testtable", array( "id" => array( $id ) ) ); asrt( $row[0]["c1"], "ipsum lorem" ); $writer->deleteRecord( "testtable", array( "id" => array( $id ) ) ); $row = $writer->queryRecord( "testtable", array( "id" => array( $id ) ) ); asrt( empty( $row ), TRUE ); $writer->addColumn( "testtable", "c2", MySQL::C_DATATYPE_UINT32 ); } /** * (FALSE should be stored as 0 not as '') * * @return voids */ public function testZeroIssue() { testpack( "Zero issue" ); $toolbox = R::getToolBox(); $redbean = $toolbox->getRedBean(); $adapter = $toolbox->getDatabaseAdapter(); $writer = $toolbox->getWriter(); $pdo = $adapter->getDatabase(); $pdo->Execute( "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `zero`" ); $bean = $redbean->dispense( "zero" ); $bean->zero = FALSE; $bean->title = "bla"; $redbean->store( $bean ); asrt( count( $redbean->find( "zero", array(), " zero = 0 " ) ), 1 ); R::store( R::dispense( 'hack' ) ); testpack( "Test RedBean Security - bean interface " ); asrt( in_array( "hack", $adapter->getCol( "show tables" ) ), TRUE ); $bean = $redbean->load( "page", "13; drop table hack" ); asrt( in_array( "hack", $adapter->getCol( "show tables" ) ), TRUE ); try { $bean = $redbean->load( "page where 1; drop table hack", 1 ); } catch (\Exception $e ) { } asrt( in_array( "hack", $adapter->getCol( "show tables" ) ), TRUE ); $bean = $redbean->dispense( "page" ); $evil = "; drop table hack"; $bean->id = $evil; try { $redbean->store( $bean ); } catch (\Exception $e ) { } asrt( in_array( "hack", $adapter->getCol( "show tables" ) ), TRUE ); unset( $bean->id ); $bean->name = "\"" . $evil; try { $redbean->store( $bean ); } catch (\Exception $e ) { } asrt( in_array( "hack", $adapter->getCol( "show tables" ) ), TRUE ); $bean->name = "'" . $evil; try { $redbean->store( $bean ); } catch (\Exception $e ) { } asrt( in_array( "hack", $adapter->getCol( "show tables" ) ), TRUE ); $bean->$evil = 1; try { $redbean->store( $bean ); } catch (\Exception $e ) { } asrt( in_array( "hack", $adapter->getCol( "show tables" ) ), TRUE ); unset( $bean->$evil ); $bean->id = 1; $bean->name = "\"" . $evil; try { $redbean->store( $bean ); } catch (\Exception $e ) { } asrt( in_array( "hack", $adapter->getCol( "show tables" ) ), TRUE ); $bean->name = "'" . $evil; try { $redbean->store( $bean ); } catch (\Exception $e ) { } asrt( in_array( "hack", $adapter->getCol( "show tables" ) ), TRUE ); $bean->$evil = 1; try { $redbean->store( $bean ); } catch (\Exception $e ) { } asrt( in_array( "hack", $adapter->getCol( "show tables" ) ), TRUE ); try { $redbean->trash( $bean ); } catch (\Exception $e ) { } asrt( in_array( "hack", $adapter->getCol( "show tables" ) ), TRUE ); try { $redbean->find( "::", array(), "" ); } catch (\Exception $e ) { pass(); } $adapter->exec( "drop table if exists sometable" ); testpack( "Test RedBean Security - query writer" ); try { $writer->createTable( "sometable` ( `id` INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , PRIMARY KEY ( `id` ) ) ENGINE = InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci ; drop table hack; --" ); } catch (\Exception $e ) { } asrt( in_array( "hack", $adapter->getCol( "show tables" ) ), TRUE ); testpack( "Test ANSI92 issue in clearrelations" ); $pdo->Execute( "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS book_group" ); $pdo->Execute( "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS author_book" ); $pdo->Execute( "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS book" ); $pdo->Execute( "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS author" ); $redbean = $toolbox->getRedBean(); $a = new AssociationManager( $toolbox ); $book = $redbean->dispense( "book" ); $author1 = $redbean->dispense( "author" ); $author2 = $redbean->dispense( "author" ); $book->title = "My First Post"; $author1->name = "Derek"; $author2->name = "Whoever"; set1toNAssoc( $a, $book, $author1 ); set1toNAssoc( $a, $book, $author2 ); pass(); $pdo->Execute( "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS book_group" ); $pdo->Execute( "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS book_author" ); $pdo->Execute( "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS author_book" ); $pdo->Execute( "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS book" ); $pdo->Execute( "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS author" ); $redbean = $toolbox->getRedBean(); $a = new AssociationManager( $toolbox ); $book = $redbean->dispense( "book" ); $author1 = $redbean->dispense( "author" ); $author2 = $redbean->dispense( "author" ); $book->title = "My First Post"; $author1->name = "Derek"; $author2->name = "Whoever"; $a->associate( $book, $author1 ); $a->associate( $book, $author2 ); pass(); testpack( "Test Association Issue Group keyword (Issues 9 and 10)" ); $pdo->Execute( "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `book_group`" ); $pdo->Execute( "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `group`" ); $group = $redbean->dispense( "group" ); $group->name = "mygroup"; $redbean->store( $group ); try { $a->associate( $group, $book ); pass(); } catch ( SQL $e ) { fail(); } // Test issue SQL error 23000 try { $a->associate( $group, $book ); pass(); } catch ( SQL $e ) { fail(); } asrt( (int) $adapter->getCell( "select count(*) from book_group" ), 1 ); //just 1 rec! $pdo->Execute( "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS book_group" ); $pdo->Execute( "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS author_book" ); $pdo->Execute( "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS book" ); $pdo->Execute( "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS author" ); $redbean = $toolbox->getRedBean(); $a = new AssociationManager( $toolbox ); $book = $redbean->dispense( "book" ); $author1 = $redbean->dispense( "author" ); $author2 = $redbean->dispense( "author" ); $book->title = "My First Post"; $author1->name = "Derek"; $author2->name = "Whoever"; $a->unassociate( $book, $author1 ); $a->unassociate( $book, $author2 ); pass(); $redbean->trash( $redbean->dispense( "bla" ) ); pass(); $bean = $redbean->dispense( "bla" ); $bean->name = 1; $bean->id = 2; $redbean->trash( $bean ); pass(); } /** * Test special data types. * * @return void */ public function testTypes() { testpack( 'Special data types' ); $bean = R::dispense( 'bean' ); $bean->date = 'someday'; R::store( $bean ); $cols = R::getColumns( 'bean' ); asrt( $cols['date'], 'varchar(191)' ); $bean = R::dispense( 'bean' ); $bean->date = '2011-10-10'; R::store( $bean ); $cols = R::getColumns( 'bean' ); asrt( $cols['date'], 'varchar(191)' ); } /** * Test date types. * * @return void */ public function testTypesDates() { $bean = R::dispense( 'bean' ); $bean->date = '2011-10-10'; R::store( $bean ); $cols = R::getColumns( 'bean' ); asrt( $cols['date'], 'date' ); } /** * Test money types. * * @return void */ public function testTypesMon() { $bean = R::dispense( 'bean' ); $bean->amount = '22.99'; R::store( $bean ); $cols = R::getColumns( 'bean' ); asrt( $cols['amount'], 'decimal(10,2)' ); R::nuke(); $bean = R::dispense( 'bean' ); $bean->amount = '-22.99'; R::store( $bean ); $cols = R::getColumns( 'bean' ); asrt( $cols['amount'], 'decimal(10,2)' ); } /** * Date-time * * @return void */ public function testTypesDateTimes() { $bean = R::dispense( 'bean' ); $bean->date = '2011-10-10 10:00:00'; R::store( $bean ); $cols = R::getColumns( 'bean' ); asrt( $cols['date'], 'datetime' ); $bean = R::dispense( 'bean' ); try { $bean = R::dispense( 'bean' ); $bean->title = 123; $bean->setMeta( 'cast.title', 'invalid' ); R::store( $bean ); fail(); } catch ( RedException $e ) { pass(); } catch (\Exception $e ) { fail(); } $bean = R::dispense( 'bean' ); $bean->title = 123; $bean->setMeta( 'cast.title', 'text' ); R::store( $bean ); $cols = R::getColumns( 'bean' ); asrt( $cols['title'], 'text' ); R::nuke(); $bean = R::dispense( 'bean' ); $bean->title = 123; $bean->setMeta( 'cast.title', 'string' ); R::store( $bean ); $cols = R::getColumns( 'bean' ); asrt( $cols['title'], 'varchar(191)' ); } /** * Stored and reloads spatial data to see if the * value is preserved correctly. * * @return void */ protected function setGetSpatial( $data ) { R::nuke(); $place = R::dispense( 'place' ); $place->location = $data; R::store( $place ); asrt( R::getCell( 'SELECT AsText(location) FROM place LIMIT 1' ), $data ); } }