>logger()->$method($message) is often a better choice than this function. * That gets your confirmation message (for example) into the logs for this * drush request. Consider that Drush requests may be executed remotely and * non interactively. * * @param $message * The message to print. * @param $indent * The indentation (space chars) * @param $handle * File handle to write to. NULL will write * to standard output, STDERR will write to the standard * error. See http://php.net/manual/en/features.commandline.io-streams.php * @param $newline * Add a "\n" to the end of the output. Defaults to TRUE. * * @deprecated * Use $this->output()->writeln() in a command method. */ function drush_print($message = '', $indent = 0, $handle = NULL, $newline = TRUE) { $msg = str_repeat(' ', $indent) . (string)$message; if ($newline) { $msg .= "\n"; } if (($charset = drush_get_option('output_charset')) && function_exists('iconv')) { $msg = iconv('UTF-8', $charset, $msg); } if (!$handle) { $handle = STDOUT; } fwrite($handle, $msg); } /** * Rudimentary translation system, akin to Drupal's t() function. * * @param string * String to process, possibly with replacement item. * @param array * An associative array of replacement items. * * @return * The processed string. */ function dt($string, $args = []) { return StringUtils::interpolate($string, $args); } /** * Convert html to readable text. Compatible API to * drupal_html_to_text, but less functional. Caller * might prefer to call drupal_html_to_text if there * is a bootstrapped Drupal site available. * * @param string $html * The html text to convert. * * @return string * The plain-text representation of the input. */ function drush_html_to_text($html, $allowed_tags = NULL) { $replacements = [ '
' => '------------------------------------------------------------------------------', '
  • ' => ' * ', '

    ' => '===== ', '

    ' => ' =====', '

    ' => '---- ', '

    ' => ' ----', '

    ' => '::: ', '

    ' => ' :::', '
    ' => "\n", ]; $text = str_replace(array_keys($replacements), array_values($replacements), $html); return html_entity_decode(preg_replace('/ *<[^>]*> */', ' ', $text)); } /** * @} End of "defgroup outputfunctions". */