$name, '!version' => $version, '!extension' => $extension))); } /** * Provide a version-specific class instance. * * @param $class_name * The name of the class to instantiate. Appends the Drupal * major version number to the end of the class name before instantiation. * @param $constructor_args * An array of arguments to pass to the class constructor. * * Example wrapper class to instantiate a widget, called with the * arguments for the WIDGET_CLASS constructor: * * function drush_WIDGET_CLASS_get_class($widgetName, $widgetStyle) { * retrun drush_get_class('Widget_Class', func_get_args())); * } */ function drush_get_class($class_name, $constructor_args = array(), $variations = array()) { if (empty($variations)) { $variations[] = drush_drupal_major_version(); } $class_names = is_array($class_name) ? $class_name : array($class_name); foreach ($class_names as $class_name) { for ($i=count($variations); $i >= 0; $i--) { $variant_class_name = $class_name . implode('', array_slice($variations, 0, $i)); if (class_exists($variant_class_name)) { $reflectionClass = new ReflectionClass($variant_class_name); return !empty($constructor_args) ? $reflectionClass->newInstanceArgs($constructor_args) : $reflectionClass->newInstanceArgs(); } } } // Something bad happenned. TODO Exception? return drush_set_error('DRUSH_GET_CLASS_ERROR', dt('Unable to load class !class', array('!class' => $class_name))); } /** * Generate an .ini file. used by archive-dump." * * @param array $ini * A two dimensional associative array where top level are sections and * second level are key => value pairs. * * @return string * .ini formatted text. */ function drush_export_ini($ini) { $output = ''; foreach ($ini as $section => $pairs) { if ($section) { $output .= "[$section]\n"; } foreach ($pairs as $k => $v) { if ($v) { $output .= "$k = \"$v\"\n"; } } } return $output; } /** * Generate code friendly to the Drupal .info format from a structured array. * Mostly copied from http://drupalcode.org/viewvc/drupal/contributions/modules/features/features.export.inc. * * @param $info * An array or single value to put in a module's .info file. * * @param boolean $integer_keys * Use integer in keys. * * @param $parents * Array of parent keys (internal use only). * * @return * A code string ready to be written to a module's .info file. */ function drush_export_info($info, $integer_keys = FALSE, $parents = array()) { $output = ''; if (is_array($info)) { foreach ($info as $k => $v) { $child = $parents; $child[] = $k; $output .= drush_export_info($v, $integer_keys, $child); } } else if (!empty($info) && count($parents)) { $line = array_shift($parents); foreach ($parents as $key) { $line .= (!$integer_keys && is_numeric($key)) ? "[]" : "[{$key}]"; } $line .= " = \"{$info}\"\n"; return $line; } return $output; } /** * Convert a csv string, or an array of items which * may contain csv strings, into an array of items. * * @param $args * A simple csv string; e.g. 'a,b,c' * or a simple list of items; e.g. array('a','b','c') * or some combination; e.g. array('a,b','c') or array('a,','b,','c,') * * @returns array * A simple list of items (e.g. array('a','b','c') */ function _convert_csv_to_array($args) { // // Step 1: implode(',',$args) converts from, say, array('a,','b,','c,') to 'a,,b,,c,' // Step 2: explode(',', ...) converts to array('a','','b','','c','') // Step 3: array_filter(...) removes the empty items // Step 4: array_map(...) trims extra whitespace from each item // (handles csv strings with extra whitespace, e.g. 'a, b, c') // return array_map('trim', array_filter(explode(',', is_array($args) ? implode(',',$args) : $args))); } /** * Convert a nested array into a flat array. Thows away * the array keys, returning only the values. * * @param $args * An array that may potentially be nested. * e.g. array('a', array('b', 'c')) * * @returns array * A simple list of items (e.g. array('a','b','c') */ function drush_flatten_array($a) { $result = array(); if (!is_array($a)) { return array($a); } foreach ($a as $value) { $result = array_merge($result, drush_flatten_array($value)); } return $result; } /** * Get the available global options. Used by help command. Command files may * modify this list using hook_drush_help_alter(). * * @param boolean $brief * Return a reduced set of important options. Used by help command. * * @return * An associative array containing the option definition as the key, * and a descriptive array for each of the available options. The array * elements for each item are: * * - short-form: The shortcut form for specifying the key on the commandline. * - propagate: backend invoke will use drush_get_option to propagate this * option, when set, to any other Drush command that is called. * - context: The drush context where the value of this item is cached. Used * by backend invoke to propagate values set in code. * - never-post: If TRUE, backend invoke will never POST this item's value * on STDIN; it will always be sent as a commandline option. * - never-propagate: If TRUE, backend invoke will never pass this item on * to the subcommand being executed. * - local-context-only: Backend invoke will only pass this value on for local calls. * - merge: For options such as $options['shell-aliases'] that consist of an array * of items, make a merged array that contains all of the values specified for * all of the contexts (config files) where the option is defined. The value is stored in * the specified 'context', or in a context named after the option itself if the * context flag is not specified. * IMPORTANT: When the merge flag is used, the option value must be obtained via * drush_get_context('option') rather than drush_get_option('option'). * - merge-pathlist: For options such as --include and --config, make a merged list * of options from all contexts; works like the 'merge' flag, but also handles string * values separated by the PATH_SEPARATOR. * - merge-associative: Like 'merge-pathlist', but key values are preserved. * - propagate-cli-value: Used to tell backend invoke to include the value for * this item as specified on the cli. This can either override 'context' * (e.g., propagate --include from cli value instead of DRUSH_INCLUDE context), * or for an independent global setting (e.g. --user) * - description: The help text for this item. displayed by `drush help`. */ function drush_get_global_options($brief = FALSE) { $options['root'] = array('short-form' => 'r', 'short-has-arg' => TRUE, 'never-post' => TRUE, 'description' => "Drupal root directory to use (default: current directory).", 'example-value' => 'path'); $options['uri'] = array('short-form' => 'l', 'short-has-arg' => TRUE, 'never-post' => TRUE, 'description' => 'URI of the drupal site to use (only needed in multisite environments or when running on an alternate port).', 'example-value' => 'http://example.com:8888'); $options['verbose'] = array('short-form' => 'v', 'context' => 'DRUSH_VERBOSE', 'description' => 'Display extra information about the command.'); $options['debug'] = array('short-form' => 'd', 'context' => 'DRUSH_DEBUG', 'description' => 'Display even more information, including internal messages.'); $options['yes'] = array('short-form' => 'y', 'context' => 'DRUSH_AFFIRMATIVE', 'description' => "Assume 'yes' as answer to all prompts."); $options['no'] = array('short-form' => 'n', 'context' => 'DRUSH_NEGATIVE', 'description' => "Assume 'no' as answer to all prompts."); $options['simulate'] = array('short-form' => 's', 'context' => 'DRUSH_SIMULATE', 'never-propagate' => TRUE, 'description' => "Simulate all relevant actions (don't actually change the system)."); $options['pipe'] = array('short-form' => 'p', 'hidden' => TRUE, 'description' => "Emit a compact representation of the command for scripting."); $options['help'] = array('short-form' => 'h', 'description' => "This help system."); if (!$brief) { $options['version'] = array('description' => "Show drush version."); $options['php'] = array('description' => "The absolute path to your PHP interpreter, if not 'php' in the path.", 'example-value' => '/path/to/file', 'never-propagate' => TRUE); $options['interactive'] = array('short-form' => 'ia', 'description' => "Force interactive mode for commands run on multiple targets (e.g. `drush @site1,@site2 cc --ia`).", 'never-propagate' => TRUE); $options['tty'] = array('hidden' => TRUE, 'description' => "Force allocation of tty for remote commands", 'never-propagate' => TRUE); $options['quiet'] = array('short-form' => 'q', 'description' => 'Suppress non-error messages.'); $options['include'] = array('short-form' => 'i', 'short-has-arg' => TRUE, 'context' => 'DRUSH_INCLUDE', 'never-post' => TRUE, 'propagate-cli-value' => TRUE, 'merge-pathlist' => TRUE, 'description' => "A list of additional directory paths to search for drush commands.", 'example-value' => '/path/dir'); $options['exclude'] = array('propagate-cli-value' => TRUE, 'never-post' => TRUE, 'merge-pathlist' => TRUE, 'description' => "A list of files and directory paths to exclude from consideration when searching for drush commandfiles.", 'example-value' => '/path/dir'); $options['config'] = array('short-form' => 'c', 'short-has-arg' => TRUE, 'context' => 'DRUSH_CONFIG', 'never-post' => TRUE, 'propagate-cli-value' => TRUE, 'merge-pathlist' => TRUE, 'description' => "Specify an additional config file to load. See example.drushrc.php.", 'example-value' => '/path/file'); $options['user'] = array('short-form' => 'u', 'short-has-arg' => TRUE, 'propagate-cli-value' => TRUE, 'description' => "Specify a Drupal user to login with. May be a name or a number.", 'example-value' => 'name_or_number'); $options['backend'] = array('short-form' => 'b', 'never-propagate' => TRUE, 'description' => "Hide all output and return structured data."); $options['choice'] = array('description' => "Provide an answer to a multiple-choice prompt.", 'example-value' => 'number'); $options['variables'] = array('description' => "Comma delimited list of name=value pairs. These values take precedence even over settings.php variable overrides.", 'example-value' => 'foo=bar,baz=yaz'); $options['search-depth'] = array('description' => "Control the depth that drush will search for alias files.", 'example-value' => 'number'); $options['ignored-modules'] = array('description' => "Exclude some modules from consideration when searching for drush command files.", 'example-value' => 'token,views'); $options['no-label'] = array('description' => "Remove the site label that drush includes in multi-site command output (e.g. `drush @site1,@site2 status`)."); $options['label-separator'] = array('description' => "Specify the separator to use in multi-site command output (e.g. `drush @sites pm-list --label-separator=',' --format=csv`)."); $options['nocolor'] = array('context' => 'DRUSH_NOCOLOR', 'propagate-cli-value' => TRUE, 'description' => "Suppress color highlighting on log messages."); $options['show-passwords'] = array('description' => "Show database passwords in commands that display connection information."); $options['show-invoke'] = array('description' => "Show all function names which could have been called for the current command. See drush_invoke()."); $options['watchdog'] = array('description' => "Control logging of Drupal's watchdog() to drush log. Recognized values are 'log', 'print', 'disabled'. Defaults to log. 'print' shows calls to admin but does not add them to the log.", 'example-value' => 'print'); $options['cache-default-class'] = array('description' => "A cache backend class that implements CacheInterface. Defaults to JSONCache.", 'example-value' => 'JSONCache'); $options['cache-class-'] = array('description' => "A cache backend class that implements CacheInterface to use for a specific cache bin.", 'example-value' => 'className'); $options['early'] = array('description' => "Include a file (with relative or full path) and call the drush_early_hook() function (where 'hook' is the filename). The function is called pre-bootstrap and offers an opportunity to alter the drush bootstrap environment or process (returning FALSE from the function will continue the bootstrap), or return output very rapidly (e.g. from caches). See includes/complete.inc for an example."); $options['alias-path'] = array('context' => 'ALIAS_PATH', 'local-context-only' => TRUE, 'merge-pathlist' => TRUE, 'propagate-cli-value' => TRUE, 'description' => "Specifies the list of paths where drush will search for alias files.", 'example-value' => '/path/alias1:/path/alias2'); $options['backup-location'] = array('description' => "Specifies the directory where drush will store backups.", 'example-value' => '/path/to/dir'); $options['confirm-rollback'] = array('description' => 'Wait for confirmation before doing a rollback when something goes wrong.'); $options['complete-debug'] = array('hidden' => TRUE, 'description' => "Turn on debug mode forf completion code"); $options['php-options'] = array('description' => "Options to pass to `php` when running drush. Only effective when using the drush.launcher script.", 'never-propagate' => TRUE, 'example-value' => '-d error_reporting="E_ALL"'); $options['halt-on-error'] = array('propagate-cli-value' => TRUE, 'description' => "Controls error handling of recoverable errors (E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR). --halt-on-error=1: Execution is halted. --halt-on-error=0: Drush execution continues"); $options['deferred-sanitization'] = array('hidden' => TRUE, 'description' => "Defer calculating the sanitization operations until after the database has been copied. This is done automatically if the source database is remote."); $options['remote-host'] = array('hidden' => TRUE, 'description' => 'Remote site to execute drush command on. Managed by site alias.'); $options['remote-user'] = array('hidden' => TRUE, 'description' => 'User account to use with a remote drush command. Managed by site alias.'); $options['remote-os'] = array('hidden' => TRUE, 'description' => 'The operating system used on the remote host. Managed by site alias.'); $options['site-list'] = array('hidden' => TRUE, 'description' => 'List of sites to run commands on. Managed by site alias.'); $options['reserve-margin'] = array('hidden' => TRUE, 'description' => 'Remove columns from formatted opions. Managed by multi-site command handling.'); $options['strict'] = array('propagate' => TRUE, 'description' => 'Return an error on unrecognized options. --strict=0: Allow unrecognized options. --strict=2: Also return an error on any "warning" log messages. Optional. Default is 1.'); $options['command-specific'] = array('hidden' => TRUE, 'merge-associative' => TRUE, 'description' => 'Command-specific options.'); $options['site-aliases'] = array('hidden' => TRUE, 'merge-associative' => TRUE, 'description' => 'List of site aliases.'); $options['shell-aliases'] = array('hidden' => TRUE, 'merge' => TRUE, 'never-propagate' => TRUE, 'description' => 'List of shell aliases.'); $options['path-aliases'] = array('hidden' => TRUE, 'never-propagate' => TRUE, 'description' => 'Path aliases from site alias.'); $options['ssh-options'] = array('never-propagate' => TRUE, 'description' => 'A string of extra options that will be passed to the ssh command', 'example-value' => '-p 100'); $options['editor'] = array('never-propagate' => TRUE, 'description' => 'A string of bash which launches user\'s preferred text editor. Defaults to ${VISUAL-${EDITOR-vi}}.', 'example-value' => 'vi'); $options['bg'] = array('never-propagate' => TRUE, 'description' => 'Run editor in the background. Does not work with editors such as `vi` that run in the terminal. Supresses config-import at the end.'); $options['db-url'] = array('hidden' => TRUE, 'description' => 'A Drupal 6 style database URL. Used by various commands.', 'example-value' => 'mysql://root:pass@'); $options['drush-coverage'] = array('hidden' => TRUE, 'never-post' => TRUE, 'propagate-cli-value' => TRUE, 'description' => 'File to save code coverage data into.'); $options['redirect-port'] = array('hidden' => TRUE, 'never-propagate' => TRUE, 'description' => 'Used by the user-login command to specify the redirect port on the local machine; it therefore would not do to pass this to the remote machines.'); $options['cache-clear'] = array('propagate' => TRUE, 'description' => 'If 0, Drush skips normal cache clearing; the caller should then clear if needed.', 'example-value' => '0', ); $options['local'] = array('propagate' => TRUE, 'description' => 'Don\'t look in global locations for commandfiles, config, and site aliases'); $command = array( 'options' => $options, '#brief' => FALSE, ) + drush_command_defaults('global-options', 'global_options', __FILE__); drush_command_invoke_all_ref('drush_help_alter', $command); $options = $command['options']; } return $options; } /** * Exits with a message. In general, you should use drush_set_error() instead of * this function. That lets drush proceed with other tasks. * TODO: Exit with a correct status code. */ function drush_die($msg = NULL, $status = NULL) { die($msg ? "drush: $msg\n" : ''); } /** * Check to see if the provided line is a "#!/usr/bin/env drush" * "shebang" script line. */ function _drush_is_drush_shebang_line($line) { return ((substr($line,0,2) == '#!') && (strstr($line, 'drush') !== FALSE)); } /** * Check to see if the provided script file is a "#!/usr/bin/env drush" * "shebang" script line. */ function _drush_is_drush_shebang_script($script_filename) { $result = FALSE; if (file_exists($script_filename)) { $fp = fopen($script_filename, "r"); if ($fp !== FALSE) { $line = fgets($fp); $result = _drush_is_drush_shebang_line($line); fclose($fp); } } return $result; } /** * @defgroup userinput Get input from the user. * @{ */ /** * Asks the user a basic yes/no question. * * @param string $msg * The question to ask. * @param int $indent * The number of spaces to indent the message. * * @return bool * TRUE if the user enters "y" or FALSE if "n". */ function drush_confirm($msg, $indent = 0) { drush_print_prompt((string)$msg . " (y/n): ", $indent); // Automatically accept confirmations if the --yes argument was supplied. if (drush_get_context('DRUSH_AFFIRMATIVE')) { drush_print("y"); return TRUE; } // Automatically cancel confirmations if the --no argument was supplied. elseif (drush_get_context('DRUSH_NEGATIVE')) { drush_print("n"); return FALSE; } // See http://drupal.org/node/499758 before changing this. $stdin = fopen("php://stdin","r"); while ($line = fgets($stdin)) { $line = trim($line); if ($line == 'y') { return TRUE; } if ($line == 'n') { return FALSE; } drush_print_prompt((string)$msg . " (y/n): ", $indent); } } /** * Ask the user to select an item from a list. * From a provided associative array, drush_choice will * display all of the questions, numbered from 1 to N, * and return the item the user selected. "0" is always * cancel; entering a blank line is also interpreted * as cancelling. * * @param $options * A list of questions to display to the user. The * KEYS of the array are the result codes to return to the * caller; the VALUES are the messages to display on * each line. Special keys of the form '-- something --' can be * provided as separator between choices groups. Separator keys * don't alter the numbering. * @param $prompt * The message to display to the user prompting for input. * @param $label * Controls the display of each line. Defaults to * '!value', which displays the value of each item * in the $options array to the user. Use '!key' to * display the key instead. In some instances, it may * be useful to display both the key and the value; for * example, if the key is a user id and the value is the * user name, use '!value (uid=!key)'. */ function drush_choice($options, $prompt = 'Enter a number.', $label = '!value', $widths = array()) { drush_print(dt($prompt)); // Preflight so that all rows will be padded out to the same number of columns $array_pad = 0; foreach ($options as $key => $option) { if (is_array($option) && (count($option) > $array_pad)) { $array_pad = count($option); } } $rows[] = array_pad(array('[0]', ':', 'Cancel'), $array_pad + 2, ''); $selection_number = 0; foreach ($options as $key => $option) { if ((substr($key, 0, 3) == '-- ') && (substr($key, -3) == ' --')) { $rows[] = array_pad(array('', '', $option), $array_pad + 2, ''); } else { $selection_number++; $row = array("[$selection_number]", ':'); if (is_array($option)) { $row = array_merge($row, $option); } else { $row[] = dt($label, array('!number' => $selection_number, '!key' => $key, '!value' => $option)); } $rows[] = $row; $selection_list[$selection_number] = $key; } } drush_print_table($rows, FALSE, $widths); drush_print_pipe(array_keys($options)); // If the user specified --choice, then make an // automatic selection. Cancel if the choice is // not an available option. if (($choice = drush_get_option('choice', FALSE)) !== FALSE) { // First check to see if $choice is one of the symbolic options if (array_key_exists($choice, $options)) { return $choice; } // Next handle numeric selections elseif (array_key_exists($choice, $selection_list)) { return $selection_list[$choice]; } return FALSE; } // If the user specified --no, then cancel; also avoid // getting hung up waiting for user input in --pipe and // backend modes. If none of these apply, then wait, // for user input and return the selected result. if (!drush_get_context('DRUSH_NEGATIVE') && !drush_get_context('DRUSH_AFFIRMATIVE') && !drush_get_context('DRUSH_PIPE')) { while ($line = trim(fgets(STDIN))) { if (array_key_exists($line, $selection_list)) { return $selection_list[$line]; } } } // We will allow --yes to confirm input if there is only // one choice; otherwise, --yes will cancel to avoid ambiguity if (drush_get_context('DRUSH_AFFIRMATIVE') && (count($options) == 1)) { return $selection_list[1]; } return FALSE; } /** * Ask the user to select multiple items from a list. * This is a wrapper around drush_choice, that repeats the selection process, * allowing users to toggle a number of items in a list. The number of values * that can be constrained by both min and max: the user will only be allowed * finalize selection once the minimum number has been selected, and the oldest * selected value will "drop off" the list, if they exceed the maximum number. * * @param $options * Same as drush_choice() (see above). * @param $defaults * This can take 3 forms: * - FALSE: (Default) All options are unselected by default. * - TRUE: All options are selected by default. * - Array of $options keys to be selected by default. * @param $prompt * Same as drush_choice() (see above). * @param $label * Same as drush_choice() (see above). * @param $mark * Controls how selected values are marked. Defaults to '!value (selected)'. * @param $min * Constraint on minimum number of selections. Defaults to zero. When fewer * options than this are selected, no final options will be available. * @param $max * Constraint on minimum number of selections. Defaults to NULL (unlimited). * If the a new selection causes this value to be exceeded, the oldest * previously selected value is automatically unselected. * @param $final_options * An array of additional options in the same format as $options. * When the minimum number of selections is met, this array is merged into the * array of options. If the user selects one of these values and the * selection process will complete (the key for the final option is included * in the return value). If this is an empty array (default), then a built in * final option of "Done" will be added to the available options (in this case * no additional keys are added to the return value). */ function drush_choice_multiple($options, $defaults = FALSE, $prompt = 'Select some numbers.', $label = '!value', $mark = '!value (selected)', $min = 0, $max = NULL, $final_options = array()) { $selections = array(); // Load default selections. if (is_array($defaults)) { $selections = $defaults; } elseif ($defaults === TRUE) { $selections = array_keys($options); } $complete = FALSE; $final_builtin = array(); if (empty($final_options)) { $final_builtin['done'] = dt('Done'); } $final_options_keys = array_keys($final_options); while (TRUE) { $current_options = $options; // Mark selections. foreach ($selections as $selection) { $current_options[$selection] = dt($mark, array('!key' => $selection, '!value' => $options[$selection])); } // Add final options, if the minimum number of selections has been reached. if (count($selections) >= $min) { $current_options = array_merge($current_options, $final_options, $final_builtin); } $toggle = drush_choice($current_options, $prompt, $label); if ($toggle === FALSE) { return FALSE; } // Don't include the built in final option in the return value. if (count($selections) >= $min && empty($final_options) && $toggle == 'done') { return $selections; } // Toggle the selected value. $item = array_search($toggle, $selections); if ($item === FALSE) { array_unshift($selections, $toggle); } else { unset($selections[$item]); } // If the user selected one of the final options, return. if (count($selections) >= $min && in_array($toggle, $final_options_keys)) { return $selections; } // If the user selected too many options, drop the oldest selection. if (isset($max) && count($selections) > $max) { array_pop($selections); } } } /** * Prompt the user for input * * The input can be anything that fits on a single line (not only y/n), * so we can't use drush_confirm() * * @param $prompt * The text which is displayed to the user. * @param $default * The default value of the input. * @param $required * If TRUE, user may continue even when no value is in the input. * @param $password * If TRUE, surpress printing of the input. * * @see drush_confirm() */ function drush_prompt($prompt, $default = NULL, $required = TRUE, $password = FALSE) { if (isset($default)) { $prompt .= " [" . $default . "]"; } $prompt .= ": "; drush_print_prompt($prompt); if (drush_get_context('DRUSH_AFFIRMATIVE')) { return $default; } $stdin = fopen('php://stdin', 'r'); if ($password) drush_shell_exec("stty -echo"); stream_set_blocking($stdin, TRUE); while (($line = fgets($stdin)) !== FALSE) { $line = trim($line); if ($line === "") { $line = $default; } if ($line || !$required) { break; } drush_print_prompt($prompt); } fclose($stdin); if ($password) { drush_shell_exec("stty echo"); print "\n"; } return $line; } /** * @} End of "defgroup userinput". */ /** * Calls a given function, passing through all arguments unchanged. * * This should be used when calling possibly mutative or destructive functions * (e.g. unlink() and other file system functions) so that can be suppressed * if the simulation mode is enabled. * * Important: Call @see drush_op_system() to execute a shell command, * or @see drush_shell_exec() to execute a shell command and capture the * shell output. * * @param $callable * The name of the function. Any additional arguments are passed along. * @return * The return value of the function, or TRUE if simulation mode is enabled. * */ function drush_op($callable) { $args_printed = array(); $args = func_get_args(); array_shift($args); // Skip function name foreach ($args as $arg) { $args_printed[] = is_scalar($arg) ? $arg : (is_array($arg) ? 'Array' : 'Object'); } if (!is_array($callable)) { $callable_string = $callable; } else { if (is_object($callable[0])) { $callable_string = get_class($callable[0]) . '::' . $callable[1]; } else { $callable_string = implode('::', $callable); } } // Special checking for drush_op('system') if ($callable == 'system') { drush_log(dt("Do not call drush_op('system'); use drush_op_system instead"), LogLevel::DEBUG); } if (drush_get_context('DRUSH_VERBOSE') || drush_get_context('DRUSH_SIMULATE')) { drush_log(sprintf("Calling %s(%s)", $callable_string, implode(", ", $args_printed)), LogLevel::DEBUG); } if (drush_get_context('DRUSH_SIMULATE')) { return TRUE; } return drush_call_user_func_array($callable, $args); } /** * Mimic cufa but still call function directly. See http://drupal.org/node/329012#comment-1260752 */ function drush_call_user_func_array($function, $args = array() ) { if (is_array($function)) { // $callable is a method so always use CUFA. return call_user_func_array($function, $args); } switch (count($args)) { case 0: return $function(); break; case 1: return $function($args[0]); break; case 2: return $function($args[0], $args[1]); break; case 3: return $function($args[0], $args[1], $args[2]); break; case 4: return $function($args[0], $args[1], $args[2], $args[3]); break; case 5: return $function($args[0], $args[1], $args[2], $args[3], $args[4]); break; case 6: return $function($args[0], $args[1], $args[2], $args[3], $args[4], $args[5]); break; case 7: return $function($args[0], $args[1], $args[2], $args[3], $args[4], $args[5], $args[6]); break; case 8: return $function($args[0], $args[1], $args[2], $args[3], $args[4], $args[5], $args[6], $args[7]); break; case 9: return $function($args[0], $args[1], $args[2], $args[3], $args[4], $args[5], $args[6], $args[7], $args[8]); break; default: return call_user_func_array($function,$args); } } /** * Download a file using wget, curl or file_get_contents, or via download cache. * * @param string $url * The url of the file to download. * @param string $destination * The name of the file to be saved, which may include the full path. * Optional, if omitted the filename will be extracted from the url and the * file downloaded to the current working directory (Drupal root if * bootstrapped). * @param integer $cache_duration * The acceptable age of a cached file. If cached file is too old, a fetch * will occur and cache will be updated. Optional, if ommitted the file will * be fetched directly. * * @return string * The path to the downloaded file, or FALSE if the file could not be * downloaded. */ function drush_download_file($url, $destination = FALSE, $cache_duration = 0) { // Generate destination if omitted. if (!$destination) { $file = basename(current(explode('?', $url, 2))); $destination = getcwd() . '/' . basename($file); } // Simply copy local files to the destination if (!_drush_is_url($url)) { return copy($url, $destination) ? $destination : FALSE; } if ($cache_duration !== 0 && $cache_file = drush_download_file_name($url)) { // Check for cached, unexpired file. if (file_exists($cache_file) && filectime($cache_file) > ($_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']-$cache_duration)) { drush_log(dt('!name retrieved from cache.', array('!name' => $cache_file))); } else { if (_drush_download_file($url, $cache_file, TRUE)) { // Cache was set just by downloading file to right location. } elseif (file_exists($cache_file)) { drush_log(dt('!name retrieved from an expired cache since refresh failed.', array('!name' => $cache_file)), LogLevel::WARNING); } else { $cache_file = FALSE; } } if ($cache_file && copy($cache_file, $destination)) { // Copy cached file to the destination return $destination; } } elseif ($return = _drush_download_file($url, $destination)) { drush_register_file_for_deletion($return); return $return; } // Unable to retrieve from cache nor download. return FALSE; } /** * Helper function to determine name of cached file. */ function drush_download_file_name($url) { if ($cache_dir = drush_directory_cache('download')) { $cache_name = str_replace(array(':', '/', '?', '=', '\\'), '-', $url); return $cache_dir . "/" . $cache_name; } else { return FALSE; } } /** * Check whether the given path is just a url or a local path * @param string $url * @return boolean * TRUE if the path does not contain a schema:// part. */ function _drush_is_url($url) { return parse_url($url, PHP_URL_SCHEME) !== NULL; } /** * Download a file using wget, curl or file_get_contents. Does not use download * cache. * * @param string $url * The url of the file to download. * @param string $destination * The name of the file to be saved, which may include the full path. * @param boolean $overwrite * Overwrite any file thats already at the destination. * @return string * The path to the downloaded file, or FALSE if the file could not be * downloaded. */ function _drush_download_file($url, $destination, $overwrite = TRUE) { static $use_wget; if ($use_wget === NULL) { $use_wget = drush_shell_exec('wget --version'); } $destination_tmp = drush_tempnam('download_file'); if ($use_wget) { drush_shell_exec("wget -q --timeout=30 -O %s %s", $destination_tmp, $url); } else { // Force TLS1+ as per https://github.com/drush-ops/drush/issues/894. drush_shell_exec("curl --tlsv1 --fail -s -L --connect-timeout 30 -o %s %s", $destination_tmp, $url); } if (!drush_file_not_empty($destination_tmp) && $file = @file_get_contents($url)) { @file_put_contents($destination_tmp, $file); } if (!drush_file_not_empty($destination_tmp)) { // Download failed. return FALSE; } drush_move_dir($destination_tmp, $destination, $overwrite); return $destination; } /** * Determines the MIME content type of the specified file. * * The power of this function depends on whether the PHP installation * has either mime_content_type() or finfo installed -- if not, only tar, * gz, zip and bzip2 types can be detected. * * If mime type can't be obtained, an error will be set. * * @return mixed * The MIME content type of the file or FALSE. */ function drush_mime_content_type($filename) { $content_type = drush_attempt_mime_content_type($filename); if ($content_type) { drush_log(dt('Mime type for !file is !mt', array('!file' => $filename, '!mt' => $content_type)), LogLevel::NOTICE); return $content_type; } return drush_set_error('MIME_CONTENT_TYPE_UNKNOWN', dt('Unable to determine mime type for !file.', array('!file' => $filename))); } /** * Works like drush_mime_content_type, but does not set an error * if the type is unknown. */ function drush_attempt_mime_content_type($filename) { $content_type = FALSE; if (class_exists('finfo')) { $finfo = new finfo(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE); $content_type = $finfo->file($filename); if ($content_type == 'application/octet-stream') { drush_log(dt('Mime type for !file is application/octet-stream.', array('!file' => $filename)), LogLevel::DEBUG); $content_type = FALSE; } } // If apache is configured in such a way that all files are considered // octet-stream (e.g with mod_mime_magic and an http conf that's serving all // archives as octet-stream for other reasons) we'll detect mime types on our // own by examing the file's magic header bytes. if (!$content_type) { drush_log(dt('Examining !file headers.', array('!file' => $filename)), LogLevel::DEBUG); if ($file = fopen($filename, 'rb')) { $first = fread($file, 2); fclose($file); if ($first !== FALSE) { // Interpret the two bytes as a little endian 16-bit unsigned int. $data = unpack('v', $first); switch ($data[1]) { case 0x8b1f: // First two bytes of gzip files are 0x1f, 0x8b (little-endian). // See http://www.gzip.org/zlib/rfc-gzip.html#header-trailer $content_type = 'application/x-gzip'; break; case 0x4b50: // First two bytes of zip files are 0x50, 0x4b ('PK') (little-endian). // See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zip_(file_format)#File_headers $content_type = 'application/zip'; break; case 0x5a42: // First two bytes of bzip2 files are 0x5a, 0x42 ('BZ') (big-endian). // See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bzip2#File_format $content_type = 'application/x-bzip2'; break; default: drush_log(dt('Unable to determine mime type from header bytes 0x!hex of !file.', array('!hex' => dechex($data[1]), '!file' => $filename,), LogLevel::DEBUG)); } } else { drush_log(dt('Unable to read !file.', array('!file' => $filename)), LogLevel::WARNING); } } else { drush_log(dt('Unable to open !file.', array('!file' => $filename)), LogLevel::WARNING); } } // 3. Lastly if above methods didn't work, try to guess the mime type from // the file extension. This is useful if the file has no identificable magic // header bytes (for example tarballs). if (!$content_type) { drush_log(dt('Examining !file extension.', array('!file' => $filename)), LogLevel::DEBUG); // Remove querystring from the filename, if present. $filename = basename(current(explode('?', $filename, 2))); $extension_mimetype = array( '.tar' => 'application/x-tar', '.sql' => 'application/octet-stream', ); foreach ($extension_mimetype as $extension => $ct) { if (substr($filename, -strlen($extension)) === $extension) { $content_type = $ct; break; } } } return $content_type; } /** * Check whether a file is a supported tarball. * * @return mixed * The file content type if it's a tarball. FALSE otherwise. */ function drush_file_is_tarball($path) { $content_type = drush_attempt_mime_content_type($path); $supported = array( 'application/x-bzip2', 'application/x-gzip', 'application/x-tar', 'application/x-zip', 'application/zip', ); if (in_array($content_type, $supported)) { return $content_type; } return FALSE; } /** * Extract a tarball. * * @param string $path * Path to the archive to be extracted. * @param string $destination * The destination directory the tarball should be extracted into. * Optional, if ommitted the tarball directory will be used as destination. * @param boolean $listing * If TRUE, a listing of the tar contents will be returned on success. * @param string $tar_extra_options * Extra options to be passed to the tar command. * * @return mixed * TRUE on success, FALSE on fail. If $listing is TRUE, a file listing of the * tarball is returned if the extraction reported success, instead of TRUE. */ function drush_tarball_extract($path, $destination = FALSE, $listing = FALSE, $tar_extra_options = '') { // Check if tarball is supported. if (!($mimetype = drush_file_is_tarball($path))) { return drush_set_error('TARBALL_EXTRACT_UNKNOWN_FORMAT', dt('Unable to extract !path. Unknown archive format.', array('!path' => $path))); } // Check if destination is valid. if (!$destination) { $destination = dirname($path); } if (!drush_mkdir($destination)) { // drush_mkdir already set an error. return FALSE; } // Perform the extraction of a zip file. if (($mimetype == 'application/zip') || ($mimetype == 'application/x-zip')) { $return = drush_shell_cd_and_exec(dirname($path), "unzip %s -d %s", $path, $destination); if (!$return) { return drush_set_error('DRUSH_TARBALL_EXTRACT_ERROR', dt('Unable to unzip !filename.', array('!filename' => $path))); } if ($listing) { // unzip prefixes the file listing output with a header line, // and prefixes each line with a verb representing the compression type. $output = drush_shell_exec_output(); // Remove the header line. array_shift($output); // Remove the prefix verb from each line. $output = array_map(create_function('$str', 'return substr($str, strpos($str, ":") + 3 + ' . strlen($destination) . ');'), $output); // Remove any remaining blank lines. $return = array_filter($output, create_function('$str', 'return $str != "";')); } } // Otherwise we have a possibly-compressed Tar file. // If we are not on Windows, then try to do "tar" in a single operation. elseif (!drush_is_windows()) { $tar = drush_get_tar_executable(); $tar_compression_flag = ''; if ($mimetype == 'application/x-gzip') { $tar_compression_flag = 'z'; } elseif ($mimetype == 'application/x-bzip2') { $tar_compression_flag = 'j'; } $return = drush_shell_cd_and_exec(dirname($path), "$tar {$tar_extra_options} -C %s -x%sf %s", $destination, $tar_compression_flag, basename($path)); if (!$return) { return drush_set_error('DRUSH_TARBALL_EXTRACT_ERROR', dt('Unable to untar !filename.', array('!filename' => $path))); } if ($listing) { // We use a separate tar -tf instead of -xvf above because // the output is not the same in Mac. drush_shell_cd_and_exec(dirname($path), "$tar -t%sf %s", $tar_compression_flag, basename($path)); $return = drush_shell_exec_output(); } } // In windows, do the extraction by its primitive steps. else { // 1. copy the source tarball to the destination directory. Rename to a // temp name in case the destination directory == dirname($path) $tmpfile = drush_tempnam(basename($path), $destination); drush_copy_dir($path, $tmpfile, FILE_EXISTS_OVERWRITE); // 2. uncompress the tarball, if compressed. if (($mimetype == 'application/x-gzip') || ($mimetype == 'application/x-bzip2')) { if ($mimetype == 'application/x-gzip') { $compressed = $tmpfile . '.gz'; // We used to use gzip --decompress in --stdout > out, but the output // redirection sometimes failed on Windows for some binary output. $command = 'gzip --decompress %s'; } elseif ($mimetype == 'application/x-bzip2') { $compressed = $tmpfile . '.bz2'; $command = 'bzip2 --decompress %s'; } drush_op('rename', $tmpfile, $compressed); $return = drush_shell_cd_and_exec(dirname($compressed), $command, $compressed); if (!$return || !file_exists($tmpfile)) { return drush_set_error('DRUSH_TARBALL_EXTRACT_ERROR', dt('Unable to decompress !filename.', array('!filename' => $compressed))); } } // 3. Untar. $tar = drush_get_tar_executable(); $return = drush_shell_cd_and_exec(dirname($tmpfile), "$tar {$tar_extra_options} -xvf %s", basename($tmpfile)); if (!$return) { return drush_set_error('DRUSH_TARBALL_EXTRACT_ERROR', dt('Unable to untar !filename.', array('!filename' => $tmpfile))); } if ($listing) { $return = drush_shell_exec_output(); // Cut off the 'x ' prefix for the each line of the tar output // See http://drupal.org/node/1775520 foreach($return as &$line) { if(strpos($line, "x ") === 0) $line = substr($line, 2); } } // Remove the temporary file so the md5 hash is accurate. unlink($tmpfile); } return $return; } /** * @defgroup commandprocessing Command processing functions. * @{ * * These functions manage command processing by the * main function in drush.php. */ /** * Determine whether or not an argument should be removed from the * DRUSH_COMMAND_ARGS context. This method is used when a Drush * command has set the 'strict-option-handling' flag indicating * that it will pass through all commandline arguments and any * additional options (not known to Drush) to some shell command. * * Take as an example the following call to core-rsync: * * drush --yes core-rsync -v -az --exclude-paths='.git:.svn' local-files/ @site:%files * * In this instance: * * --yes is a global Drush option * * -v is an rsync option. It will make rsync run in verbose mode, * but will not make Drush run in verbose mode due to the fact that * core-rsync sets the 'strict-option-handling' flag. * * --exclude-paths is a local Drush option. It will be converted by * Drush into --exclude='.git' and --exclude='.svn', and then passed * on to the rsync command. * * The parameter $arg passed to this function is one of the elements * of DRUSH_COMMAND_ARGS. It will have values such as: * -v * -az * --exclude-paths='.git:.svn' * local-files/ * @site:%files * * Our job in this function is to determine if $arg should be removed * by virtue of appearing in $removal_list. $removal_list is an array * that will contain values such as 'exclude-paths'. Both the key and * the value of $removal_list is the same. */ function _drush_should_remove_command_arg($arg, $removal_list) { foreach ($removal_list as $candidate) { if (($arg == "-$candidate") || ($arg == "--$candidate") || (substr($arg,0,strlen($candidate)+3) == "--$candidate=") ) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } /** * Redispatch the specified command using the same * options that were passed to this invocation of drush. */ function drush_do_command_redispatch($command, $args = array(), $remote_host = NULL, $remote_user = NULL, $drush_path = NULL, $user_interactive = FALSE, $aditional_options = array()) { $additional_global_options = array(); $command_options = drush_redispatch_get_options(); $command_options = $aditional_options + $command_options; if (is_array($command)) { $command_name = $command['command']; // If we are executing a remote command that uses strict option handling, // then mark all of the options in the alias context as global, so that they // will appear before the command name. if (!empty($command['strict-option-handling'])) { foreach(drush_get_context('alias') as $alias_key => $alias_value) { if (array_key_exists($alias_key, $command_options) && !array_key_exists($alias_key, $command['options'])) { $additional_global_options[$alias_key] = $alias_value; } } } } else { $command_name = $command; } // If the path to drush was supplied, then use it to invoke the new command. if ($drush_path == NULL) { $drush_path = drush_get_option('drush-script'); if (!isset($drush_path)) { $drush_folder = drush_get_option('drush'); if (isset($drush)) { $drush_path = $drush_folder . '/drush'; } } } $backend_options = array('drush-script' => $drush_path, 'remote-host' => $remote_host, 'remote-user' => $remote_user, 'integrate' => TRUE, 'additional-global-options' => $additional_global_options); // Set the tty if requested, if the command necessitates it, // or if the user explicitly asks for interactive mode, but // not if interactive mode is forced. tty implies interactive if (drush_get_option('tty') || $user_interactive || !empty($command['remote-tty'])) { $backend_options['#tty'] = TRUE; $backend_options['interactive'] = TRUE; } elseif (drush_get_option('interactive')) { $backend_options['interactive'] = TRUE; } // Run the command in a new process. drush_log(dt('Begin redispatch via drush_invoke_process().')); $values = drush_invoke_process('@self', $command_name, $args, $command_options, $backend_options); drush_log(dt('End redispatch via drush_invoke_process().')); return $values; } /** * @} End of "defgroup commandprocessing". */ /** * @defgroup logging Logging information to be provided as output. * @{ * * These functions are primarily for diagnostic purposes, but also provide an overview of tasks that were taken * by drush. */ /** * Add a log message to the log history. * * This function calls the callback stored in the 'DRUSH_LOG_CALLBACK' context with * the resulting entry at the end of execution. * * This allows you to replace it with custom logging implementations if needed, * such as logging to a file or logging to a database (drupal or otherwise). * * The default callback is the Drush\Log\Logger class with prints the messages * to the shell. * * @param message * String containing the message to be logged. * @param type * The type of message to be logged. Common types are 'warning', 'error', 'success' and 'notice'. * A type of 'ok' or 'success' can also be supplied to flag something that worked. * If you want your log messages to print to screen without the user entering * a -v or --verbose flag, use type 'ok', this prints log messages out to * STDERR, which prints to screen (unless you have redirected it). All other * types of messages will be assumed to be notices. */ function drush_log($message, $type = LogLevel::NOTICE, $error = null) { $entry = array( 'type' => $type, 'message' => $message, 'timestamp' => microtime(TRUE), 'memory' => memory_get_usage(), ); $entry['error'] = $error; return _drush_log($entry); } /** * Future: add some sort of dependency injection to Drush. */ function _drush_create_default_logger() { $drush_logger = new Logger(); drush_set_context('DRUSH_LOGGER', $drush_logger); drush_set_context('DRUSH_LOG_CALLBACK', $drush_logger); } /** * Call the default logger, or the user's log callback, as * appropriate. */ function _drush_log($entry) { $callback = drush_get_context('DRUSH_LOG_CALLBACK'); if ($callback instanceof LoggerInterface) { _drush_log_to_logger($callback, $entry); } elseif ($callback) { $log =& drush_get_context('DRUSH_LOG', array()); $log[] = $entry; drush_backend_packet('log', $entry); return $callback($entry); } } // Maintain compatibility with extensions that hook into // DRUSH_LOG_CALLBACK (e.g. drush_ctex_bonus) function _drush_print_log($entry) { $drush_logger = drush_get_context('DRUSH_LOGGER'); if ($drush_logger) { _drush_log_to_logger($drush_logger, $entry); } } function _drush_log_to_logger($logger, $entry) { $context = $entry; $log_level = $entry['type']; $message = $entry['message']; unset($entry['type']); unset($entry['message']); $logger->log($log_level, $message, $context); } function drush_log_has_errors($types = array(LogLevel::WARNING, LogLevel::ERROR, LogLevel::FAILED)) { $log =& drush_get_context('DRUSH_LOG', array()); foreach ($log as $entry) { if (in_array($entry['type'], $types)) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } /** * Backend command callback. Add a log message to the log history. * * @param entry * The log entry. */ function drush_backend_packet_log($entry, $backend_options) { if (!$backend_options['log']) { return; } if (!is_string($entry['message'])) { $entry['message'] = implode("\n", (array)$entry['message']); } $entry['message'] = $entry['message']; if (array_key_exists('#output-label', $backend_options)) { $entry['message'] = $backend_options['#output-label'] . $entry['message']; } // If integrate is FALSE, then log messages are stored in DRUSH_LOG, // but are -not- printed to the console. if ($backend_options['integrate']) { _drush_log($entry); } else { $log =& drush_get_context('DRUSH_LOG', array()); $log[] = $entry; // Yes, this looks odd, but we might in fact be a backend command // that ran another backend command. drush_backend_packet('log', $entry); } } /** * Retrieve the log messages from the log history * * @return * Entire log history */ function drush_get_log() { return drush_get_context('DRUSH_LOG', array()); } /** * Run print_r on a variable and log the output. */ function dlm($object) { drush_log(print_r($object, TRUE)); } /** * Display the pipe output for the current request. */ function drush_pipe_output() { $pipe = drush_get_context('DRUSH_PIPE_BUFFER'); if (!empty($pipe)) { drush_print_r($pipe, NULL, FALSE); } } // Print all timers for the request. function drush_print_timers() { global $timers; $temparray = array(); foreach ((array)$timers as $name => $timerec) { // We have to use timer_read() for active timers, and check the record for others if (isset($timerec['start'])) { $temparray[$name] = timer_read($name); } else { $temparray[$name] = $timerec['time']; } } // Go no farther if there were no timers if (count($temparray) > 0) { // Put the highest cumulative times first arsort($temparray); $table = array(); $table[] = array('Timer', 'Cum (sec)', 'Count', 'Avg (msec)'); foreach ($temparray as $name => $time) { $cum = round($time/1000, 3); $count = $timers[$name]['count']; if ($count > 0) { $avg = round($time/$count, 3); } else { $avg = 'N/A'; } $table[] = array($name, $cum, $count, $avg); } drush_print_table($table, TRUE, array(), STDERR); } } /** * Turn drupal_set_message errors into drush_log errors */ function _drush_log_drupal_messages() { if (function_exists('drupal_get_messages')) { $messages = drupal_get_messages(NULL, TRUE); if (array_key_exists('error', $messages)) { //Drupal message errors. foreach ((array) $messages['error'] as $error) { $error = strip_tags($error); $header = preg_match('/^warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by /i', $error); $session = preg_match('/^warning: session_start\(\): Cannot send session /i', $error); if ($header || $session) { //These are special cases for an unavoidable warnings //that are generated by generating output before Drupal is bootstrapped. //or sending a session cookie (seems to affect d7 only?) //Simply ignore them. continue; } elseif (preg_match('/^warning:/i', $error)) { drush_log(preg_replace('/^warning: /i', '', $error), LogLevel::WARNING); } elseif (preg_match('/^notice:/i', $error)) { drush_log(preg_replace('/^notice: /i', '', $error), LogLevel::NOTICE); } elseif (preg_match('/^user warning:/i', $error)) { // This is a special case. PHP logs sql errors as 'User Warnings', not errors. drush_set_error('DRUSH_DRUPAL_ERROR_MESSAGE', preg_replace('/^user warning: /i', '', $error)); } else { drush_set_error('DRUSH_DRUPAL_ERROR_MESSAGE', $error); } } } unset($messages['error']); // Log non-error messages. foreach ($messages as $type => $items) { foreach ($items as $item) { drush_log(strip_tags($item), $type); } } } } // Copy of format_size() in Drupal. function drush_format_size($size) { if ($size < DRUSH_KILOBYTE) { // format_plural() not always available. return dt('@count bytes', array('@count' => $size)); } else { $size = $size / DRUSH_KILOBYTE; // Convert bytes to kilobytes. $units = array( dt('@size KB', array()), dt('@size MB', array()), dt('@size GB', array()), dt('@size TB', array()), dt('@size PB', array()), dt('@size EB', array()), dt('@size ZB', array()), dt('@size YB', array()), ); foreach ($units as $unit) { if (round($size, 2) >= DRUSH_KILOBYTE) { $size = $size / DRUSH_KILOBYTE; } else { break; } } return str_replace('@size', round($size, 2), $unit); } } /** * @} End of "defgroup logging". */ /** * @defgroup errorhandling Managing errors that occur in the Drush framework. * @{ * Functions that manage the current error status of the Drush framework. * * These functions operate by maintaining a static variable that is a equal to the constant DRUSH_FRAMEWORK_ERROR if an * error has occurred. * This error code is returned at the end of program execution, and provide the shell or calling application with * more information on how to diagnose any problems that may have occurred. */ /** * Set an error code for the error handling system. * * @param \Drupal\Component\Render\MarkupInterface|string $error * A text string identifying the type of error. * @param null|string $message * Optional. Error message to be logged. If no message is specified, * hook_drush_help will be consulted, using a key of 'error:MY_ERROR_STRING'. * @param null|string $output_label * Optional. Label to prepend to the error message. * * @return bool * Always returns FALSE, to allow returning false in the calling functions, * such as return drush_set_error('DRUSH_FRAMEWORK_ERROR'). */ function drush_set_error($error, $message = null, $output_label = "") { $error_code =& drush_get_context('DRUSH_ERROR_CODE', DRUSH_SUCCESS); $error_code = DRUSH_FRAMEWORK_ERROR; $error_log =& drush_get_context('DRUSH_ERROR_LOG', array()); if (is_numeric($error)) { $error = 'DRUSH_FRAMEWORK_ERROR'; } elseif (!is_string($error)) { // Typical case: D8 TranslatableMarkup, implementing MarkupInterface. $error = "$error"; } $message = ($message) ? $message : drush_command_invoke_all('drush_help', 'error:' . $error); if (is_array($message)) { $message = implode("\n", $message); } $error_log[$error][] = $message; if (!drush_backend_packet('set_error', array('error' => $error, 'message' => $message))) { drush_log(($message) ? $output_label . $message : $output_label . $error, LogLevel::ERROR, $error); } return FALSE; } /** * Return the current error handling status * * @return * The current aggregate error status */ function drush_get_error() { return drush_get_context('DRUSH_ERROR_CODE', DRUSH_SUCCESS); } /** * Return the current list of errors that have occurred. * * @return * An associative array of error messages indexed by the type of message. */ function drush_get_error_log() { return drush_get_context('DRUSH_ERROR_LOG', array()); } /** * Check if a specific error status has been set. * * @param error * A text string identifying the error that has occurred. * @return * TRUE if the specified error has been set, FALSE if not */ function drush_cmp_error($error) { $error_log = drush_get_error_log(); if (is_numeric($error)) { $error = 'DRUSH_FRAMEWORK_ERROR'; } return array_key_exists($error, $error_log); } /** * Clear error context. */ function drush_clear_error() { drush_set_context('DRUSH_ERROR_CODE', DRUSH_SUCCESS); } /** * Exit due to user declining a confirmation prompt. * * Usage: return drush_user_abort(); */ function drush_user_abort($msg = NULL) { drush_set_context('DRUSH_USER_ABORT', TRUE); drush_set_context('DRUSH_EXIT_CODE', DRUSH_EXITCODE_USER_ABORT); drush_log($msg ? $msg : dt('Cancelled.'), LogLevel::CANCEL); return FALSE; } /** * Turn PHP error handling off. * * This is commonly used while bootstrapping Drupal for install * or updates. * * This also records the previous error_reporting setting, in * case it wasn't recorded previously. * * @see drush_errors_off() */ function drush_errors_off() { drush_get_context('DRUSH_ERROR_REPORTING', error_reporting(0)); ini_set('display_errors', FALSE); } /** * Turn PHP error handling on. * * We default to error_reporting() here just in * case drush_errors_on() is called before drush_errors_off() and * the context is not yet set. * * @arg $errors string * The default error level to set in drush. This error level will be * carried through further drush_errors_on()/off() calls even if not * provided in later calls. * * @see error_reporting() * @see drush_errors_off() */ function drush_errors_on($errors = null) { if (!isset($errors)) { $errors = error_reporting(); } else { drush_set_context('DRUSH_ERROR_REPORTING', $errors); } error_reporting(drush_get_context('DRUSH_ERROR_REPORTING', $errors)); ini_set('display_errors', TRUE); } /** * @} End of "defgroup errorhandling". */ /** * Get the PHP memory_limit value in bytes. */ function drush_memory_limit() { $value = trim(ini_get('memory_limit')); $last = strtolower($value[strlen($value)-1]); switch ($last) { case 'g': $value *= DRUSH_KILOBYTE; case 'm': $value *= DRUSH_KILOBYTE; case 'k': $value *= DRUSH_KILOBYTE; } return $value; } /** * Unset the named key anywhere in the provided * data structure. */ function drush_unset_recursive(&$data, $unset_key) { if (!empty($data) && is_array($data)) { unset($data[$unset_key]); foreach ($data as $key => $value) { if (is_array($value)) { drush_unset_recursive($data[$key], $unset_key); } } } } /** * Return a list of VCSs reserved files and directories. */ function drush_version_control_reserved_files() { static $files = FALSE; if (!$files) { // Also support VCSs that are not drush vc engines. $files = array('.git', '.gitignore', '.hg', '.hgignore', '.hgrags'); $engine_info = drush_get_engines('version_control'); $vcs = array_keys($engine_info['engines']); foreach ($vcs as $name) { $version_control = drush_include_engine('version_control', $name); $files = array_merge($files, $version_control->reserved_files()); } } return $files; } /** * Generate a random alphanumeric password. Copied from user.module. */ function drush_generate_password($length = 10) { // This variable contains the list of allowable characters for the // password. Note that the number 0 and the letter 'O' have been // removed to avoid confusion between the two. The same is true // of 'I', 1, and 'l'. $allowable_characters = 'abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ23456789'; // Zero-based count of characters in the allowable list: $len = strlen($allowable_characters) - 1; // Declare the password as a blank string. $pass = ''; // Loop the number of times specified by $length. for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) { // Each iteration, pick a random character from the // allowable string and append it to the password: $pass .= $allowable_characters[mt_rand(0, $len)]; } return $pass; } /** * Form an associative array from a linear array. * * This function walks through the provided array and constructs an associative * array out of it. The keys of the resulting array will be the values of the * input array. The values will be the same as the keys unless a function is * specified, in which case the output of the function is used for the values * instead. * * @param $array * A linear array. * @param $function * A name of a function to apply to all values before output. * * @return * An associative array. */ function drush_map_assoc($array, $function = NULL) { // array_combine() fails with empty arrays: // http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=34857. $array = !empty($array) ? array_combine($array, $array) : array(); if (is_callable($function)) { $array = array_map($function, $array); } return $array; } /** * Clears completion caches. * * If called with no parameters the entire complete cache will be cleared. * If called with just the $type parameter the global cache for that type will * be cleared (in the site context, if any). If called with both $type and * $command parameters the command cache of that type will be cleared (in the * site context, if any). * * This is included in drush.inc as complete.inc is only loaded conditionally. * * @param $type * The completion type (optional). * @param $command * The command name (optional), if command specific cache is to be cleared. * If specifying a command, $type is not optional. */ function drush_complete_cache_clear($type = NULL, $command = NULL) { require_once DRUSH_BASE_PATH . '/includes/complete.inc'; if ($type) { drush_cache_clear_all(drush_complete_cache_cid($type, $command), 'complete'); return; } // No type or command, so clear the entire complete cache. drush_cache_clear_all('*', 'complete', TRUE); } /* * Cast a value according to the provided format * * @param mixed $value. * @param string $format * Allowed values: auto, integer, float, bool, boolean, json, yaml. * * @return $value * The value, re-typed as needed. */ function drush_value_format($value, $format) { if ($format == 'auto') { if (is_numeric($value)) { $value = $value + 0; // http://php.net/manual/en/function.is-numeric.php#107326 $format = gettype($value); } elseif (($value == 'TRUE') || ($value == 'FALSE')) { $format = 'bool'; } } // Now, we parse the object. switch ($format) { case 'integer': $value = (integer)$value; break; // from: http://php.net/gettype // for historical reasons "double" is returned in case of a float, and not simply "float" case 'double': case 'float': $value = (float)$value; break; case 'bool': case 'boolean': if ($value == 'TRUE') { $value = TRUE; } elseif ($value == 'FALSE') { $value = FALSE; } else { $value = (bool)$value; } break; case 'json': $value = drush_json_decode($value); break; case 'yaml': $value = \Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml::parse($value, FALSE, TRUE); break; } return $value; }