>>'); define('DRUSH_BACKEND_OUTPUT_DELIMITER', DRUSH_BACKEND_OUTPUT_START . '%s<< "\\0")); $packet_regex = str_replace("\n", "", $packet_regex); $data['output'] = preg_replace("/$packet_regex/s", '', drush_backend_output_collect(NULL)); } if (drush_get_context('DRUSH_QUIET', FALSE)) { ob_end_clean(); } $result_object = drush_backend_get_result(); if (isset($result_object)) { $data['object'] = $result_object; } $error = drush_get_error(); $data['error_status'] = ($error) ? $error : DRUSH_SUCCESS; $data['log'] = drush_get_log(); // Append logging information // The error log is a more specific version of the log, and may be used by calling // scripts to check for specific errors that have occurred. $data['error_log'] = drush_get_error_log(); // If there is a @self record, then include it in the result $self_record = drush_sitealias_get_record('@self'); if (!empty($self_record)) { $site_context = drush_get_context('site', array()); unset($site_context['config-file']); unset($site_context['context-path']); unset($self_record['loaded-config']); unset($self_record['#name']); $data['self'] = array_merge($site_context, $self_record); } // Return the options that were set at the end of the process. $data['context'] = drush_get_merged_options(); printf("\0" . DRUSH_BACKEND_OUTPUT_DELIMITER, json_encode($data)); } /** * Callback to collect backend command output. */ function drush_backend_output_collect($string) { static $output = ''; if (!isset($string)) { return $output; } $output .= $string; return $string; } /** * Output buffer functions that discards all output but backend packets. */ function drush_backend_output_discard($string) { $packet_regex = strtr(sprintf(DRUSH_BACKEND_PACKET_PATTERN, "([^\0]*)"), array("\0" => "\\0")); $packet_regex = str_replace("\n", "", $packet_regex); if (preg_match_all("/$packet_regex/s", $string, $matches)) { return implode('', $matches[0]); } } /** * Output a backend packet if we're running as backend. * * @param packet * The packet to send. * @param data * Data for the command. * * @return * A boolean indicating whether the command was output. */ function drush_backend_packet($packet, $data) { if (drush_get_context('DRUSH_BACKEND')) { $data['packet'] = $packet; $data = json_encode($data); // We use 'fwrite' instead of 'drush_print' here because // this backend packet is out-of-band data. fwrite(STDERR, sprintf(DRUSH_BACKEND_PACKET_PATTERN, $data)); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /** * Parse output returned from a Drush command. * * @param string * The output of a drush command * @param integrate * Integrate the errors and log messages from the command into the current process. * @param outputted * Whether output has already been handled. * * @return * An associative array containing the data from the external command, or the string parameter if it * could not be parsed successfully. */ function drush_backend_parse_output($string, $backend_options = array(), $outputted = FALSE) { $regex = sprintf(DRUSH_BACKEND_OUTPUT_DELIMITER, '(.*)'); preg_match("/$regex/s", $string, $match); if (!empty($match) && $match[1]) { // we have our JSON encoded string $output = $match[1]; // remove the match we just made and any non printing characters $string = trim(str_replace(sprintf(DRUSH_BACKEND_OUTPUT_DELIMITER, $match[1]), '', $string)); } if (!empty($output)) { $data = json_decode($output, TRUE); if (is_array($data)) { _drush_backend_integrate($data, $backend_options, $outputted); return $data; } } return $string; } /** * Integrate log messages and error statuses into the current * process. * * Output produced by the called script will be printed if we didn't print it * on the fly, errors will be set, and log messages will be logged locally, if * not already logged. * * @param data * The associative array returned from the external command. * @param outputted * Whether output has already been handled. */ function _drush_backend_integrate($data, $backend_options, $outputted) { // In 'integrate' mode, logs and errors have already been handled // by drush_backend_packet (sender) drush_backend_parse_packets (receiver - us) // during incremental output. We therefore do not need to call drush_set_error // or drush_log here. The exception is if the sender is an older version of // Drush (version 4.x) that does not send backend packets, then we will // not have processed the log entries yet, and must print them here. $received_packets = drush_get_context('DRUSH_RECEIVED_BACKEND_PACKETS', FALSE); if (is_array($data['log']) && $backend_options['log'] && (!$received_packets)) { foreach($data['log'] as $log) { $message = is_array($log['message']) ? implode("\n", $log['message']) : $log['message']; if (isset($backend_options['#output-label'])) { $message = $backend_options['#output-label'] . $message; } if (isset($log['error']) && $backend_options['integrate']) { drush_set_error($log['error'], $message); } elseif ($backend_options['integrate']) { drush_log($message, $log['type']); } } } // Output will either be printed, or buffered to the drush_backend_output command. // If the output has already been printed, then we do not need to show it again on a failure. if (!$outputted) { if (drush_cmp_error('DRUSH_APPLICATION_ERROR') && !empty($data['output'])) { drush_set_error("DRUSH_APPLICATION_ERROR", dt("Output from failed command :\n !output", array('!output' => $data['output']))); } elseif ($backend_options['output']) { _drush_backend_print_output($data['output'], $backend_options); } } } /** * Supress log message output during backend integrate. */ function _drush_backend_integrate_log($entry) { } /** * Call an external command using proc_open. * * @param cmds * An array of records containing the following elements: * 'cmd' - The command to execute, already properly escaped * 'post-options' - An associative array that will be JSON encoded * and passed to the script being called. Objects are not allowed, * as they do not json_decode gracefully. * 'backend-options' - Options that control the operation of the backend invoke * - OR - * An array of commands to execute. These commands already need to be properly escaped. * In this case, post-options will default to empty, and a default output label will * be generated. * @param data * An associative array that will be JSON encoded and passed to the script being called. * Objects are not allowed, as they do not json_decode gracefully. * * @return * False if the command could not be executed, or did not return any output. * If it executed successfully, it returns an associative array containing the command * called, the output of the command, and the error code of the command. */ function _drush_backend_proc_open($cmds, $process_limit, $context = NULL) { $descriptorspec = array( 0 => array("pipe", "r"), // stdin is a pipe that the child will read from 1 => array("pipe", "w"), // stdout is a pipe that the child will write to ); $open_processes = array(); $bucket = array(); $process_limit = max($process_limit, 1); $is_windows = drush_is_windows(); // Loop through processes until they all close, having a nap as needed. $nap_time = 0; while (count($open_processes) || count($cmds)) { $nap_time++; if (count($cmds) && (count($open_processes) < $process_limit)) { // Pop the site and command (key / value) from the cmds array end($cmds); list($site, $cmd) = each($cmds); unset($cmds[$site]); if (is_array($cmd)) { $c = $cmd['cmd']; $post_options = $cmd['post-options']; $backend_options = $cmd['backend-options']; } else { $c = $cmd; $post_options = array(); $backend_options = array(); } $backend_options += array( '#output-label' => '', '#process-read-size' => 4096, ); $process = array(); drush_log($backend_options['#output-label'] . $c); $process['process'] = proc_open($c, $descriptorspec, $process['pipes'], null, null, array('context' => $context)); if (is_resource($process['process'])) { if ($post_options) { fwrite($process['pipes'][0], json_encode($post_options)); // pass the data array in a JSON encoded string } // If we do not close stdin here, then we cause a deadlock; // see: http://drupal.org/node/766080#comment-4309936 // If we reimplement interactive commands to also use // _drush_proc_open, then clearly we would need to keep // this open longer. fclose($process['pipes'][0]); $process['info'] = stream_get_meta_data($process['pipes'][1]); stream_set_blocking($process['pipes'][1], FALSE); stream_set_timeout($process['pipes'][1], 1); $bucket[$site]['cmd'] = $c; $bucket[$site]['output'] = ''; $bucket[$site]['remainder'] = ''; $bucket[$site]['backend-options'] = $backend_options; $bucket[$site]['end_of_output'] = FALSE; $bucket[$site]['outputted'] = FALSE; $open_processes[$site] = $process; } // Reset the $nap_time variable as there might be output to process next // time around: $nap_time = 0; } // Set up to call stream_select(). See: // http://php.net/manual/en/function.stream-select.php // We can't use stream_select on Windows, because it doesn't work for // streams returned by proc_open. if (!$is_windows) { $ss_result = 0; $read_streams = array(); $write_streams = array(); $except_streams = array(); foreach ($open_processes as $site => &$current_process) { if (isset($current_process['pipes'][1])) { $read_streams[] = $current_process['pipes'][1]; } } // Wait up to 2s for data to become ready on one of the read streams. if (count($read_streams)) { $ss_result = stream_select($read_streams, $write_streams, $except_streams, 2); // If stream_select returns a error, then fallback to using $nap_time. if ($ss_result !== FALSE) { $nap_time = 0; } } } foreach ($open_processes as $site => &$current_process) { if (isset($current_process['pipes'][1])) { // Collect output from stdout $bucket[$site][1] = ''; $info = stream_get_meta_data($current_process['pipes'][1]); if (!feof($current_process['pipes'][1]) && !$info['timed_out']) { $string = $bucket[$site]['remainder'] . fread($current_process['pipes'][1], $backend_options['#process-read-size']); $bucket[$site]['remainder'] = ''; $output_end_pos = strpos($string, DRUSH_BACKEND_OUTPUT_START); if ($output_end_pos !== FALSE) { $trailing_string = substr($string, 0, $output_end_pos); $trailing_remainder = ''; // If there is any data in the trailing string (characters prior // to the backend output start), then process any backend packets // embedded inside. if (strlen($trailing_string) > 0) { drush_backend_parse_packets($trailing_string, $trailing_remainder, $bucket[$site]['backend-options']); } // If there is any data remaining in the trailing string after // the backend packets are removed, then print it. if (strlen($trailing_string) > 0) { _drush_backend_print_output($trailing_string . $trailing_remainder, $bucket[$site]['backend-options']); $bucket[$site]['outputted'] = TRUE; } $bucket[$site]['end_of_output'] = TRUE; } if (!$bucket[$site]['end_of_output']) { drush_backend_parse_packets($string, $bucket[$site]['remainder'], $bucket[$site]['backend-options']); // Pass output through. _drush_backend_print_output($string, $bucket[$site]['backend-options']); if (strlen($string) > 0) { $bucket[$site]['outputted'] = TRUE; } } $bucket[$site][1] .= $string; $bucket[$site]['output'] .= $string; $info = stream_get_meta_data($current_process['pipes'][1]); flush(); // Reset the $nap_time variable as there might be output to process // next time around: if (strlen($string) > 0) { $nap_time = 0; } } else { fclose($current_process['pipes'][1]); unset($current_process['pipes'][1]); // close the pipe , set a marker // Reset the $nap_time variable as there might be output to process // next time around: $nap_time = 0; } } else { // if both pipes are closed for the process, remove it from active loop and add a new process to open. $bucket[$site]['code'] = proc_close($current_process['process']); unset($open_processes[$site]); // Reset the $nap_time variable as there might be output to process next // time around: $nap_time = 0; } } // We should sleep for a bit if we need to, up to a maximum of 1/10 of a // second. if ($nap_time > 0) { usleep(max($nap_time * 500, 100000)); } } return $bucket; // TODO: Handle bad proc handles //} //return FALSE; } /** * Print the output received from a call to backend invoke, * adding the label to the head of each line if necessary. */ function _drush_backend_print_output($output_string, $backend_options) { if ($backend_options['output'] && !empty($output_string)) { $output_label = array_key_exists('#output-label', $backend_options) ? $backend_options['#output-label'] : FALSE; if (!empty($output_label)) { // Remove one, and only one newline from the end of the // string. Else we'll get an extra 'empty' line. foreach (explode("\n", preg_replace('/\\n$/', '', $output_string)) as $line) { fwrite(STDOUT, $output_label . rtrim($line) . "\n"); } } else { fwrite(STDOUT, $output_string); } } } /** * Parse out and remove backend packet from the supplied string and * invoke the commands. */ function drush_backend_parse_packets(&$string, &$remainder, $backend_options) { $remainder = ''; $packet_regex = strtr(sprintf(DRUSH_BACKEND_PACKET_PATTERN, "([^\0]*)"), array("\0" => "\\0")); $packet_regex = str_replace("\n", "", $packet_regex); if (preg_match_all("/$packet_regex/s", $string, $match, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER)) { drush_set_context('DRUSH_RECEIVED_BACKEND_PACKETS', TRUE); foreach ($match[1] as $packet_data) { $entry = (array) json_decode($packet_data); if (is_array($entry) && isset($entry['packet'])) { $function = 'drush_backend_packet_' . $entry['packet']; if (function_exists($function)) { $function($entry, $backend_options); } else { drush_log(dt("Unknown backend packet @packet", array('@packet' => $entry['packet'])), LogLevel::NOTICE); } } else { drush_log(dt("Malformed backend packet"), LogLevel::ERROR); drush_log(dt("Bad packet: @packet", array('@packet' => print_r($entry, TRUE))), LogLevel::DEBUG); drush_log(dt("String is: @str", array('@str' => $packet_data), LogLevel::DEBUG)); } } $string = preg_replace("/$packet_regex/s", '', $string); } // Check to see if there is potentially a partial packet remaining. // We only care about the last null; if there are any nulls prior // to the last one, they would have been removed above if they were // valid drush packets. $embedded_null = strrpos($string, "\0"); if ($embedded_null !== FALSE) { // We will consider everything after $embedded_null to be part of // the $remainder string if: // - the embedded null is less than strlen(DRUSH_BACKEND_OUTPUT_START) // from the end of $string (that is, there might be a truncated // backend packet header, or the truncated backend output start // after the null) // OR // - the embedded null is followed by DRUSH_BACKEND_PACKET_START // (that is, the terminating null for that packet has not been // read into our buffer yet) if (($embedded_null + strlen(DRUSH_BACKEND_OUTPUT_START) >= strlen($string)) || (substr($string, $embedded_null + 1, strlen(DRUSH_BACKEND_PACKET_START)) == DRUSH_BACKEND_PACKET_START)) { $remainder = substr($string, $embedded_null); $string = substr($string, 0, $embedded_null); } } } /** * Backend command for setting errors. */ function drush_backend_packet_set_error($data, $backend_options) { if (!$backend_options['integrate']) { return; } $output_label = ""; if (array_key_exists('#output-label', $backend_options)) { $output_label = $backend_options['#output-label']; } drush_set_error($data['error'], $data['message'], $output_label); } /** * Default options for backend_invoke commands. */ function _drush_backend_adjust_options($site_record, $command, $command_options, $backend_options) { // By default, if the caller does not specify a value for 'output', but does // specify 'integrate' === FALSE, then we will set output to FALSE. Otherwise we // will allow it to default to TRUE. if ((array_key_exists('integrate', $backend_options)) && ($backend_options['integrate'] === FALSE) && (!array_key_exists('output', $backend_options))) { $backend_options['output'] = FALSE; } $has_site_specification = array_key_exists('root', $site_record) || array_key_exists('uri', $site_record); $result = $backend_options + array( 'method' => 'GET', 'output' => TRUE, 'log' => TRUE, 'integrate' => TRUE, 'backend' => TRUE, 'dispatch-using-alias' => !$has_site_specification, ); // Convert '#integrate' et. al. into backend options foreach ($command_options as $key => $value) { if (substr($key,0,1) === '#') { $result[substr($key,1)] = $value; } } return $result; } /** * Execute a new local or remote command in a new process. * * n.b. Prefer drush_invoke_process() to this function. * * @param invocations * An array of command records to exacute. Each record should contain: * 'site': * An array containing information used to generate the command. * 'remote-host' * Optional. A remote host to execute the drush command on. * 'remote-user' * Optional. Defaults to the current user. If you specify this, you can choose which module to send. * 'ssh-options' * Optional. Defaults to "-o PasswordAuthentication=no" * '#env-vars' * Optional. An associative array of environmental variables to prefix the Drush command with. * 'path-aliases' * Optional; contains paths to folders and executables useful to the command. * '%drush-script' * Optional. Defaults to the current drush.php file on the local machine, and * to simply 'drush' (the drush script in the current PATH) on remote servers. * You may also specify a different drush.php script explicitly. You will need * to set this when calling drush on a remote server if 'drush' is not in the * PATH on that machine. * 'command': * A defined drush command such as 'cron', 'status' or any of the available ones such as 'drush pm'. * 'args': * An array of arguments for the command. * 'options' * Optional. An array containing options to pass to the remote script. * Array items with a numeric key are treated as optional arguments to the * command. * 'backend-options': * Optional. Additional parameters that control the operation of the invoke. * 'method' * Optional. Defaults to 'GET'. * If this parameter is set to 'POST', the $data array will be passed * to the script being called as a JSON encoded string over the STDIN * pipe of that process. This is preferable if you have to pass * sensitive data such as passwords and the like. * For any other value, the $data array will be collapsed down into a * set of command line options to the script. * 'integrate' * Optional. Defaults to TRUE. * If TRUE, any error statuses will be integrated into the current * process. This might not be what you want, if you are writing a * command that operates on multiple sites. * 'log' * Optional. Defaults to TRUE. * If TRUE, any log messages will be integrated into the current * process. * 'output' * Optional. Defaults to TRUE. * If TRUE, output from the command will be synchronously printed to * stdout. * 'drush-script' * Optional. Defaults to the current drush.php file on the local * machine, and to simply 'drush' (the drush script in the current * PATH) on remote servers. You may also specify a different drush.php * script explicitly. You will need to set this when calling drush on * a remote server if 'drush' is not in the PATH on that machine. * 'dispatch-using-alias' * Optional. Defaults to FALSE. * If specified as a non-empty value the drush command will be * dispatched using the alias name on the command line, instead of * the options from the alias being added to the command line * automatically. * @param common_options * Optional. Merged in with the options for each invocation. * @param backend_options * Optional. Merged in with the backend options for each invocation. * @param default_command * Optional. Used as the 'command' for any invocation that does not * define a command explicitly. * @param default_site * Optional. Used as the 'site' for any invocation that does not * define a site explicitly. * @param context * Optional. Passed in to proc_open if provided. * * @return * If the command could not be completed successfully, FALSE. * If the command was completed, this will return an associative array containing the data from drush_backend_output(). */ function drush_backend_invoke_concurrent($invocations, $common_options = array(), $common_backend_options = array(), $default_command = NULL, $default_site = NULL, $context = NULL) { $index = 0; // Slice and dice our options in preparation to build a command string $invocation_options = array(); foreach ($invocations as $invocation) { $site_record = isset($invocation['site']) ? $invocation['site'] : $default_site; // NULL is a synonym to '@self', although the latter is preferred. if (!isset($site_record)) { $site_record = '@self'; } // If the first parameter is not a site alias record, // then presume it is an alias name, and try to look up // the alias record. if (!is_array($site_record)) { $site_record = drush_sitealias_get_record($site_record); } $command = isset($invocation['command']) ? $invocation['command'] : $default_command; $args = isset($invocation['args']) ? $invocation['args'] : array(); $command_options = isset($invocation['options']) ? $invocation['options'] : array(); $backend_options = isset($invocation['backend-options']) ? $invocation['backend-options'] : array(); // If $backend_options is passed in as a bool, interpret that as the value for 'integrate' if (!is_array($common_backend_options)) { $integrate = (bool)$common_backend_options; $common_backend_options = array('integrate' => $integrate); } $command_options += $common_options; $backend_options += $common_backend_options; $backend_options = _drush_backend_adjust_options($site_record, $command, $command_options, $backend_options); $backend_options += array( 'drush-script' => NULL, ); // Insure that contexts such as DRUSH_SIMULATE and NO_COLOR are included. $command_options += _drush_backend_get_global_contexts($site_record); // Add in command-specific options as well $command_options += drush_command_get_command_specific_options($site_record, $command); // If the caller has requested it, don't pull the options from the alias // into the command line, but use the alias name for dispatching. if (!empty($backend_options['dispatch-using-alias']) && isset($site_record['#name'])) { list($post_options, $commandline_options, $drush_global_options) = _drush_backend_classify_options(array(), $command_options, $backend_options); $site_record_to_dispatch = '@' . ltrim($site_record['#name'], '@'); } else { list($post_options, $commandline_options, $drush_global_options) = _drush_backend_classify_options($site_record, $command_options, $backend_options); $site_record_to_dispatch = ''; } if (array_key_exists('backend-simulate', $backend_options)) { $drush_global_options['simulate'] = TRUE; } $site_record += array('path-aliases' => array(), '#env-vars' => array()); $site_record['path-aliases'] += array( '%drush-script' => $backend_options['drush-script'], ); $site = (array_key_exists('#name', $site_record) && !array_key_exists($site_record['#name'], $invocation_options)) ? $site_record['#name'] : $index++; $invocation_options[$site] = array( 'site-record' => $site_record, 'site-record-to-dispatch' => $site_record_to_dispatch, 'command' => $command, 'args' => $args, 'post-options' => $post_options, 'drush-global-options' => $drush_global_options, 'commandline-options' => $commandline_options, 'command-options' => $command_options, 'backend-options' => $backend_options, ); } // Calculate the length of the longest output label $max_name_length = 0; $label_separator = ''; if (!array_key_exists('no-label', $common_options) && (count($invocation_options) > 1)) { $label_separator = array_key_exists('label-separator', $common_options) ? $common_options['label-separator'] : ' >> '; foreach ($invocation_options as $site => $item) { $backend_options = $item['backend-options']; if (!array_key_exists('#output-label', $backend_options)) { if (is_numeric($site)) { $backend_options['#output-label'] = ' * [@self.' . $site; $label_separator = '] '; } else { $backend_options['#output-label'] = $site; } $invocation_options[$site]['backend-options']['#output-label'] = $backend_options['#output-label']; } $name_len = strlen($backend_options['#output-label']); if ($name_len > $max_name_length) { $max_name_length = $name_len; } if (array_key_exists('#label-separator', $backend_options)) { $label_separator = $backend_options['#label-separator']; } } } // Now pad out the output labels and add the label separator. $reserve_margin = $max_name_length + strlen($label_separator); foreach ($invocation_options as $site => $item) { $backend_options = $item['backend-options'] + array('#output-label' => ''); $invocation_options[$site]['backend-options']['#output-label'] = str_pad($backend_options['#output-label'], $max_name_length, " ") . $label_separator; if ($reserve_margin) { $invocation_options[$site]['drush-global-options']['reserve-margin'] = $reserve_margin; } } // Now take our prepared options and generate the command strings $cmds = array(); foreach ($invocation_options as $site => $item) { $site_record = $item['site-record']; $site_record_to_dispatch = $item['site-record-to-dispatch']; $command = $item['command']; $args = $item['args']; $post_options = $item['post-options']; $commandline_options = $item['commandline-options']; $command_options = $item['command-options']; $drush_global_options = $item['drush-global-options']; $backend_options = $item['backend-options']; $is_remote = array_key_exists('remote-host', $site_record); $is_different_site = $is_remote || (isset($site_record['root']) && ($site_record['root'] != drush_get_context('DRUSH_DRUPAL_ROOT'))) || (isset($site_record['uri']) && ($site_record['uri'] != drush_get_context('DRUSH_SELECTED_URI'))); $os = drush_os($site_record); // If the caller did not pass in a specific path to drush, then we will // use a default value. For commands that are being executed on the same // machine, we will use DRUSH_COMMAND, which is the path to the drush.php // that is running right now. For remote commands, we will run a wrapper // script instead of drush.php called drush. $drush_path = $site_record['path-aliases']['%drush-script']; if (!$drush_path && !$is_remote && $is_different_site) { $drush_path = find_wrapper_or_launcher($site_record['root']); } $env_vars = $site_record['#env-vars']; $php = array_key_exists('php', $site_record) ? $site_record['php'] : (array_key_exists('php', $command_options) ? $command_options['php'] : NULL); $drush_command_path = drush_build_drush_command($drush_path, $php, $os, $is_remote, $env_vars); $cmd = _drush_backend_generate_command($site_record, $drush_command_path . " " . _drush_backend_argument_string($drush_global_options, $os) . " " . $site_record_to_dispatch . " " . $command, $args, $commandline_options, $backend_options) . ' 2>&1'; $cmds[$site] = array( 'cmd' => $cmd, 'post-options' => $post_options, 'backend-options' => $backend_options, ); } return _drush_backend_invoke($cmds, $common_backend_options, $context); } /** * Find all of the drush contexts that are used to cache global values and * return them in an associative array. */ function _drush_backend_get_global_contexts($site_record) { $result = array(); $global_option_list = drush_get_global_options(FALSE); foreach ($global_option_list as $global_key => $global_metadata) { if (is_array($global_metadata)) { $value = ''; if (!array_key_exists('never-propagate', $global_metadata)) { if ((array_key_exists('propagate', $global_metadata))) { $value = drush_get_option($global_key); } elseif ((array_key_exists('propagate-cli-value', $global_metadata))) { $value = drush_get_option($global_key, '', 'cli'); } elseif ((array_key_exists('context', $global_metadata))) { // If the context is declared to be a 'local-context-only', // then only put it in if this is a local dispatch. if (!array_key_exists('local-context-only', $global_metadata) || !array_key_exists('remote-host', $site_record)) { $value = drush_get_context($global_metadata['context'], array()); } } if (!empty($value) || ($value === '0')) { $result[$global_key] = $value; } } } } return $result; } /** * Take all of the values in the $command_options array, and place each of * them into one of the following result arrays: * * - $post_options: options to be encoded as JSON and written to the * standard input of the drush subprocess being executed. * - $commandline_options: options to be placed on the command line of the drush * subprocess. * - $drush_global_options: the drush global options also go on the command * line, but appear before the drush command name rather than after it. * * Also, this function may modify $backend_options. */ function _drush_backend_classify_options($site_record, $command_options, &$backend_options) { // In 'POST' mode (the default, remove everything (except the items marked 'never-post' // in the global option list) from the commandline options and put them into the post options. // The post options will be json-encoded and sent to the command via stdin $global_option_list = drush_get_global_options(FALSE); // These should be in the command line. $additional_global_options = array(); if (array_key_exists('additional-global-options', $backend_options)) { $additional_global_options = $backend_options['additional-global-options']; $command_options += $additional_global_options; } $method_post = ((!array_key_exists('method', $backend_options)) || ($backend_options['method'] == 'POST')); $post_options = array(); $commandline_options = array(); $drush_global_options = array(); $drush_local_options = array(); $additional_backend_options = array(); foreach ($site_record as $key => $value) { if (!in_array($key, drush_sitealias_site_selection_keys())) { if ($key[0] == '#') { $backend_options[$key] = $value; } if (!isset($command_options[$key])) { if (array_key_exists($key, $global_option_list)) { $command_options[$key] = $value; } } } } if (array_key_exists('drush-local-options', $backend_options)) { $drush_local_options = $backend_options['drush-local-options']; $command_options += $drush_local_options; } if (!empty($backend_options['backend']) && empty($backend_options['interactive']) && empty($backend_options['fork'])) { $drush_global_options['backend'] = '2'; } foreach ($command_options as $key => $value) { $global = array_key_exists($key, $global_option_list); $propagate = TRUE; $special = FALSE; if ($global) { $propagate = (!array_key_exists('never-propagate', $global_option_list[$key])); $special = (array_key_exists('never-post', $global_option_list[$key])); if ($propagate) { // We will allow 'merge-pathlist' contexts to be propogated. Right now // these are all 'local-context-only' options; if we allowed them to // propogate remotely, then we would need to get the right path separator // for the remote machine. if (is_array($value) && array_key_exists('merge-pathlist', $global_option_list[$key])) { $value = implode(PATH_SEPARATOR, $value); } } } // Just remove options that are designated as non-propagating if ($propagate === TRUE) { // In METHOD POST, move command options to post options if ($method_post && ($special === FALSE)) { $post_options[$key] = $value; } // In METHOD GET, ignore options with array values elseif (!is_array($value)) { if ($global || array_key_exists($key, $additional_global_options)) { $drush_global_options[$key] = $value; } else { $commandline_options[$key] = $value; } } } } return array($post_options, $commandline_options, $drush_global_options, $additional_backend_options); } /** * Create a new pipe with proc_open, and attempt to parse the output. * * We use proc_open instead of exec or others because proc_open is best * for doing bi-directional pipes, and we need to pass data over STDIN * to the remote script. * * Exec also seems to exhibit some strangeness in keeping the returned * data intact, in that it modifies the newline characters. * * @param cmd * The complete command line call to use. * @param post_options * An associative array to json-encode and pass to the remote script on stdin. * @param backend_options * Options for the invocation. * * @return * If no commands were executed, FALSE. * * If one command was executed, this will return an associative array containing * the data from drush_backend_output(). The result code is stored * in $result['error_status'] (0 == no error). * * If multiple commands were executed, this will return an associative array * containing one item, 'concurrent', which will contain a list of the different * backend invoke results from each concurrent command. */ function _drush_backend_invoke($cmds, $common_backend_options = array(), $context = NULL) { if (drush_get_context('DRUSH_SIMULATE') && !array_key_exists('override-simulated', $common_backend_options) && !array_key_exists('backend-simulate', $common_backend_options)) { foreach ($cmds as $cmd) { drush_print(dt('Simulating backend invoke: !cmd', array('!cmd' => $cmd['cmd']))); } return FALSE; } foreach ($cmds as $cmd) { drush_log(dt('Backend invoke: !cmd', array('!cmd' => $cmd['cmd'])), 'command'); } if (!empty($common_backend_options['interactive']) || !empty($common_backend_options['fork'])) { foreach ($cmds as $cmd) { $exec_cmd = $cmd['cmd']; if (array_key_exists('fork', $common_backend_options)) { $exec_cmd .= ' --quiet &'; } $result_code = drush_shell_proc_open($exec_cmd); $ret = array('error_status' => $result_code); } } else { $process_limit = drush_get_option_override($common_backend_options, 'concurrency', 1); $procs = _drush_backend_proc_open($cmds, $process_limit, $context); $procs = is_array($procs) ? $procs : array($procs); $ret = array(); foreach ($procs as $site => $proc) { if (($proc['code'] == DRUSH_APPLICATION_ERROR) && isset($common_backend_options['integrate'])) { drush_set_error('DRUSH_APPLICATION_ERROR', dt("The external command could not be executed due to an application error.")); } if ($proc['output']) { $values = drush_backend_parse_output($proc['output'], $proc['backend-options'], $proc['outputted']); if (is_array($values)) { $values['site'] = $site; if (empty($ret)) { $ret = $values; } elseif (!array_key_exists('concurrent', $ret)) { $ret = array('concurrent' => array($ret, $values)); } else { $ret['concurrent'][] = $values; } } else { $ret = drush_set_error('DRUSH_FRAMEWORK_ERROR', dt("The command could not be executed successfully (returned: !return, code: !code)", array("!return" => $proc['output'], "!code" => $proc['code']))); } } } } return empty($ret) ? FALSE : $ret; } /** * Helper function that generates an anonymous site alias specification for * the given parameters. */ function drush_backend_generate_sitealias($backend_options) { // Ensure default values. $backend_options += array( 'remote-host' => NULL, 'remote-user' => NULL, 'ssh-options' => NULL, 'drush-script' => NULL, 'env-vars' => NULL ); return array( 'remote-host' => $backend_options['remote-host'], 'remote-user' => $backend_options['remote-user'], 'ssh-options' => $backend_options['ssh-options'], '#env-vars' => $backend_options['env-vars'], 'path-aliases' => array( '%drush-script' => $backend_options['drush-script'], ), ); } /** * Generate a command to execute. * * @param site_record * An array containing information used to generate the command. * 'remote-host' * Optional. A remote host to execute the drush command on. * 'remote-user' * Optional. Defaults to the current user. If you specify this, you can choose which module to send. * 'ssh-options' * Optional. Defaults to "-o PasswordAuthentication=no" * '#env-vars' * Optional. An associative array of environmental variables to prefix the Drush command with. * 'path-aliases' * Optional; contains paths to folders and executables useful to the command. * '%drush-script' * Optional. Defaults to the current drush.php file on the local machine, and * to simply 'drush' (the drush script in the current PATH) on remote servers. * You may also specify a different drush.php script explicitly. You will need * to set this when calling drush on a remote server if 'drush' is not in the * PATH on that machine. * @param command * A defined drush command such as 'cron', 'status' or any of the available ones such as 'drush pm'. * @param args * An array of arguments for the command. * @param command_options * Optional. An array containing options to pass to the remote script. * Array items with a numeric key are treated as optional arguments to the * command. This parameter is a reference, as any options that have been * represented as either an option, or an argument will be removed. This * allows you to pass the left over options as a JSON encoded string, * without duplicating data. * @param backend_options * Optional. An array of options for the invocation. * @see drush_backend_invoke for documentation. * * @return * A text string representing a fully escaped command. */ function _drush_backend_generate_command($site_record, $command, $args = array(), $command_options = array(), $backend_options = array()) { $site_record += array( 'remote-host' => NULL, 'remote-user' => NULL, 'ssh-options' => NULL, 'path-aliases' => array(), ); $backend_options += array( '#tty' => FALSE, ); $hostname = $site_record['remote-host']; $username = $site_record['remote-user']; $ssh_options = $site_record['ssh-options']; $os = drush_os($site_record); if (drush_is_local_host($hostname)) { $hostname = null; } foreach ($command_options as $key => $arg) { if (is_numeric($key)) { $args[] = $arg; unset($command_options[$key]); } } $cmd[] = $command; foreach ($args as $arg) { $cmd[] = drush_escapeshellarg($arg, $os); } $option_str = _drush_backend_argument_string($command_options, $os); if (!empty($option_str)) { $cmd[] = " " . $option_str; } $command = implode(' ', array_filter($cmd, 'strlen')); if (isset($hostname)) { $username = (isset($username)) ? drush_escapeshellarg($username, "LOCAL") . "@" : ''; $ssh_options = $site_record['ssh-options']; $ssh_options = (isset($ssh_options)) ? $ssh_options : drush_get_option('ssh-options', "-o PasswordAuthentication=no"); $ssh_cmd[] = "ssh"; $ssh_cmd[] = $ssh_options; if ($backend_options['#tty']) { $ssh_cmd[] = '-t'; } $ssh_cmd[] = $username . drush_escapeshellarg($hostname, "LOCAL"); $ssh_cmd[] = drush_escapeshellarg($command . ' 2>&1', "LOCAL"); // Remove NULLs and separate with spaces $command = implode(' ', array_filter($ssh_cmd, 'strlen')); } return $command; } /** * Map the options to a string containing all the possible arguments and options. * * @param data * Optional. An array containing options to pass to the remote script. * Array items with a numeric key are treated as optional arguments to the command. * This parameter is a reference, as any options that have been represented as either an option, or an argument will be removed. * This allows you to pass the left over options as a JSON encoded string, without duplicating data. * @param method * Optional. Defaults to 'GET'. * If this parameter is set to 'POST', the $data array will be passed to the script being called as a JSON encoded string over * the STDIN pipe of that process. This is preferable if you have to pass sensitive data such as passwords and the like. * For any other value, the $data array will be collapsed down into a set of command line options to the script. * @return * A properly formatted and escaped set of arguments and options to append to the drush.php shell command. */ function _drush_backend_argument_string($data, $os = NULL) { $options = array(); foreach ($data as $key => $value) { if (!is_array($value) && !is_object($value) && isset($value)) { if (substr($key,0,1) != '#') { $options[$key] = $value; } } } $option_str = ''; foreach ($options as $key => $value) { $option_str .= _drush_escape_option($key, $value, $os); } return $option_str; } /** * Return a properly formatted and escaped command line option * * @param key * The name of the option. * @param value * The value of the option. * * @return * If the value is set to TRUE, this function will return " --key" * In other cases it will return " --key='value'" */ function _drush_escape_option($key, $value = TRUE, $os = NULL) { if ($value !== TRUE) { $option_str = " --$key=" . drush_escapeshellarg($value, $os); } else { $option_str = " --$key"; } return $option_str; } /** * Read options fron STDIN during POST requests. * * This function will read any text from the STDIN pipe, * and attempts to generate an associative array if valid * JSON was received. * * @return * An associative array of options, if successfull. Otherwise FALSE. */ function _drush_backend_get_stdin() { $fp = fopen('php://stdin', 'r'); // Windows workaround: we cannot count on stream_get_contents to // return if STDIN is reading from the keyboard. We will therefore // check to see if there are already characters waiting on the // stream (as there always should be, if this is a backend call), // and if there are not, then we will exit. // This code prevents drush from hanging forever when called with // --backend from the commandline; however, overall it is still // a futile effort, as it does not seem that backend invoke can // successfully write data to that this function can read, // so the argument list and command always come out empty. :( // Perhaps stream_get_contents is the problem, and we should use // the technique described here: // http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=30154 // n.b. the code in that issue passes '0' for the timeout in stream_select // in a loop, which is not recommended. // Note that the following DOES work: // drush ev 'print(json_encode(array("test" => "XYZZY")));' | drush status --backend // So, redirecting input is okay, it is just the proc_open that is a problem. if (drush_is_windows()) { // Note that stream_select uses reference parameters, so we need variables (can't pass a constant NULL) $read = array($fp); $write = NULL; $except = NULL; // Question: might we need to wait a bit for STDIN to be ready, // even if the process that called us immediately writes our parameters? // Passing '100' for the timeout here causes us to hang indefinitely // when called from the shell. $changed_streams = stream_select($read, $write, $except, 0); // Return on error (FALSE) or no changed streams (0). // Oh, according to http://php.net/manual/en/function.stream-select.php, // stream_select will return FALSE for streams returned by proc_open. // That is not applicable to us, is it? Our stream is connected to a stream // created by proc_open, but is not a stream returned by proc_open. if ($changed_streams < 1) { return FALSE; } } stream_set_blocking($fp, FALSE); $string = stream_get_contents($fp); fclose($fp); if (trim($string)) { return json_decode($string, TRUE); } return FALSE; }