description: 'Update the files for a multisite installed.' help: 'The multisite:new command assists in setting up new multisite installs by creating the needed subdirectory and files, and can optionally copy an existing ''default'' installation.' options: uri: 'Name of old directory under ''sites'' which should be updated.' directory: 'Name of new directory for multisite installed. (You could create subdir separated by ''/'')' questions: uri: 'Choice the multisite to update' directory: 'Enter the new name (You could use subdir separated by ''/'')' errors: invalid-uri: 'The --uri="%s" does not exist' uri-dir-empty: 'You must specify a old multisite directory to update.' new-dir-empty: 'You must specify a new name to update multisite.' subdir-exists: 'The "sites/%s" directory already exists.' mkdir-fail: 'Unable to create "sites/%s". Please check the sites directory permissions and try again.' copy-fail: 'Unable to copy "%s" to "%s". Please check permissions and try again.' write-fail: 'Unable to write to the file "%s". Please check the file permissions and try again.' messages: move-settings: 'The file settings.php was successfully movied to "sites/%s".' examples: - description: 'Update the files for a multisite installed specifying old path and new path' execution: | drupal multisite:update