description: 'Execute a migration available for application' arguments: id: 'Migration id(s)' options: site-url: 'Site Source URL' db-file: 'Database File' db-host: 'Database Host' db-name: 'Database Name' db-user: 'Database User' db-pass: 'Database Pass' db-prefix: 'Database Prefix' db-port: 'Database Port' exclude: 'Migration id(s) to exclude' source-base-path: 'Local file directory containing your source site (e.g. /var/www/docroot), or your site address (for example' questions: id: 'Migration Id' exclude-id: 'Migration Id to exclude (press to stop adding migrations to exclude)' other-id: 'Other migration id (press to stop adding migrations)' site-url: 'Source Site URL' db-file: 'Database File' db-host: 'Database Host' db-name: 'Database Name' db-user: 'Database User' db-pass: 'Database Pass' db-prefix: 'Database Prefix' db-port: 'Database Port' invalid-migration-id: 'Migration Id "%s" is invalid' source-base-path: 'Local file directory containing your source site (e.g. /var/www/docroot), or your site address (for example' messages: processing: 'Processing Migration "%s"' imported: 'Migration "%s" was imported correctly' fail-load: 'Migration "%s" can''t be loaded' importing-incomplete: 'Importing migration "%s"' import-stopped: 'Import "%s" stopped by request' import-fail: 'Import "%s" failed' import-skipped: 'Import "%s" was skipped due to unfulfilled dependencies' wrong-source: 'Upgrading from this version of Drupal is not supported.' destination-error: 'Database destination error' source-error: 'Database source error' no-migrations: 'There are not migrations available to be executed'