description: 'Generate a new "%s"' help: 'The "%s" command helps you generate a new "%s"' welcome: 'Welcome to the Drupal form generator' options: module: common.options.module class: 'The form class name' form-id: 'The Form id' services: inputs: common.options.inputs path: 'Enter the form path' questions: module: common.questions.module class: 'Enter the Form Class name' form-id: 'Enter the Form id' services: inputs: common.questions.inputs routing: 'Would you like to register a route for this form' menu_link_gen: 'Generate a menu link' menu_link_title: 'A title for the menu link' menu_parent: 'Menu parent' menu_link_desc: 'A description for the menu link' path: 'Enter the route path'