configurationManager = $configurationManager; parent::__construct(); } /** * @{@inheritdoc} */ public function configure() { $this ->setName('debug:site') ->setDescription($this->trans('')) ->addArgument( 'target', InputArgument::OPTIONAL, $this->trans(''), null ) ->addArgument( 'property', InputArgument::OPTIONAL, $this->trans(''), null ) ->setHelp($this->trans('')) ->setAliases(['dsi']); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $sites = $this->configurationManager->getSites(); if (!$sites) { $this->getIo()->warning($this->trans('')); return 0; } $target = $input->getArgument('target'); if (!$target) { foreach ($sites as $key => $site) { $environments = array_keys($site); unset($environments[0]); $environments = array_map( function ($element) use ($key) { return $key . '.' . $element; }, $environments ); $this->getIo()->info($key); $this->getIo()->listing($environments); } return 0; } $targetConfig = $this->configurationManager->readTarget($target); if (!$targetConfig) { $this->getIo()->error($this->trans('')); return 1; } // --property argument, allows the user to fetch specific properties of the selected site $property = $input->getArgument('property'); if ($property) { $property_keys = explode('.', $property); $val = $targetConfig; foreach ($property_keys as $property_key) { $val = &$val[$property_key]; } $this->getIo()->writeln($val); return 0; } $this->getIo()->info($target); $dumper = new Dumper(); $this->getIo()->writeln($dumper->dump($targetConfig, 4, 2)); return 0; } }