composer = $composer; $this->io = $io; $this->eventDispatcher = $composer->getEventDispatcher(); $this->executor = new ProcessExecutor($this->io); $this->patches = array(); $this->installedPatches = array(); } /** * Returns an array of event names this subscriber wants to listen to. */ public static function getSubscribedEvents() { return array( ScriptEvents::PRE_INSTALL_CMD => "checkPatches", ScriptEvents::PRE_UPDATE_CMD => "checkPatches", PackageEvents::PRE_PACKAGE_INSTALL => "gatherPatches", PackageEvents::PRE_PACKAGE_UPDATE => "gatherPatches", PackageEvents::POST_PACKAGE_INSTALL => "postInstall", PackageEvents::POST_PACKAGE_UPDATE => "postInstall", ); } /** * Before running composer install, * @param Event $event */ public function checkPatches(Event $event) { if (!$this->isPatchingEnabled()) { return; } try { $repositoryManager = $this->composer->getRepositoryManager(); $localRepository = $repositoryManager->getLocalRepository(); $installationManager = $this->composer->getInstallationManager(); $packages = $localRepository->getPackages(); $tmp_patches = $this->grabPatches(); if ($tmp_patches == FALSE) { $this->io->write('No patches supplied.'); return; } foreach ($packages as $package) { $extra = $package->getExtra(); if (isset($extra['patches'])) { $this->installedPatches[$package->getName()] = $extra['patches']; } $patches = isset($extra['patches']) ? $extra['patches'] : array(); $tmp_patches = array_merge_recursive($tmp_patches, $patches); } // Remove packages for which the patch set has changed. foreach ($packages as $package) { if (!($package instanceof AliasPackage)) { $package_name = $package->getName(); $extra = $package->getExtra(); $has_patches = isset($tmp_patches[$package_name]); $has_applied_patches = isset($extra['patches_applied']); if (($has_patches && !$has_applied_patches) || (!$has_patches && $has_applied_patches) || ($has_patches && $has_applied_patches && $tmp_patches[$package_name] !== $extra['patches_applied'])) { $uninstallOperation = new UninstallOperation($package, 'Removing package so it can be re-installed and re-patched.'); $this->io->write('Removing package ' . $package_name . ' so that it can be re-installed and re-patched.'); $installationManager->uninstall($localRepository, $uninstallOperation); } } } } // If the Locker isn't available, then we don't need to do this. // It's the first time packages have been installed. catch (\LogicException $e) { return; } } /** * Gather patches from dependencies and store them for later use. * * @param PackageEvent $event */ public function gatherPatches(PackageEvent $event) { // If we've already done this, then don't do it again. if (isset($this->patches['_patchesGathered'])) { $this->io->write('Patches already gathered. Skipping', TRUE, IOInterface::VERBOSE); return; } // If patching has been disabled, bail out here. elseif (!$this->isPatchingEnabled()) { $this->io->write('Patching is disabled. Skipping.', TRUE, IOInterface::VERBOSE); return; } $this->patches = $this->grabPatches(); if (empty($this->patches)) { $this->io->write('No patches supplied.'); } $extra = $this->composer->getPackage()->getExtra(); $patches_ignore = isset($extra['patches-ignore']) ? $extra['patches-ignore'] : array(); // Now add all the patches from dependencies that will be installed. $operations = $event->getOperations(); $this->io->write('Gathering patches for dependencies. This might take a minute.'); foreach ($operations as $operation) { if ($operation->getJobType() == 'install' || $operation->getJobType() == 'update') { $package = $this->getPackageFromOperation($operation); $extra = $package->getExtra(); if (isset($extra['patches'])) { if (isset($patches_ignore[$package->getName()])) { foreach ($patches_ignore[$package->getName()] as $package_name => $patches) { if (isset($extra['patches'][$package_name])) { $extra['patches'][$package_name] = array_diff($extra['patches'][$package_name], $patches); } } } $this->patches = $this->arrayMergeRecursiveDistinct($this->patches, $extra['patches']); } // Unset installed patches for this package if(isset($this->installedPatches[$package->getName()])) { unset($this->installedPatches[$package->getName()]); } } } // Merge installed patches from dependencies that did not receive an update. foreach ($this->installedPatches as $patches) { $this->patches = array_merge_recursive($this->patches, $patches); } // If we're in verbose mode, list the projects we're going to patch. if ($this->io->isVerbose()) { foreach ($this->patches as $package => $patches) { $number = count($patches); $this->io->write('Found ' . $number . ' patches for ' . $package . '.'); } } // Make sure we don't gather patches again. Extra keys in $this->patches // won't hurt anything, so we'll just stash it there. $this->patches['_patchesGathered'] = TRUE; } /** * Get the patches from root composer or external file * @return Patches * @throws \Exception */ public function grabPatches() { // First, try to get the patches from the root composer.json. $extra = $this->composer->getPackage()->getExtra(); if (isset($extra['patches'])) { $this->io->write('Gathering patches for root package.'); $patches = $extra['patches']; return $patches; } // If it's not specified there, look for a patches-file definition. elseif (isset($extra['patches-file'])) { $this->io->write('Gathering patches from patch file.'); $patches = file_get_contents($extra['patches-file']); $patches = json_decode($patches, TRUE); $error = json_last_error(); if ($error != 0) { switch ($error) { case JSON_ERROR_DEPTH: $msg = ' - Maximum stack depth exceeded'; break; case JSON_ERROR_STATE_MISMATCH: $msg = ' - Underflow or the modes mismatch'; break; case JSON_ERROR_CTRL_CHAR: $msg = ' - Unexpected control character found'; break; case JSON_ERROR_SYNTAX: $msg = ' - Syntax error, malformed JSON'; break; case JSON_ERROR_UTF8: $msg = ' - Malformed UTF-8 characters, possibly incorrectly encoded'; break; default: $msg = ' - Unknown error'; break; } throw new \Exception('There was an error in the supplied patches file:' . $msg); } if (isset($patches['patches'])) { $patches = $patches['patches']; return $patches; } elseif(!$patches) { throw new \Exception('There was an error in the supplied patch file'); } } else { return array(); } } /** * @param PackageEvent $event * @throws \Exception */ public function postInstall(PackageEvent $event) { // Get the package object for the current operation. $operation = $event->getOperation(); /** @var PackageInterface $package */ $package = $this->getPackageFromOperation($operation); $package_name = $package->getName(); if (!isset($this->patches[$package_name])) { if ($this->io->isVerbose()) { $this->io->write('No patches found for ' . $package_name . '.'); } return; } $this->io->write(' - Applying patches for ' . $package_name . ''); // Get the install path from the package object. $manager = $event->getComposer()->getInstallationManager(); $install_path = $manager->getInstaller($package->getType())->getInstallPath($package); // Set up a downloader. $downloader = new RemoteFilesystem($this->io, $this->composer->getConfig()); // Track applied patches in the package info in installed.json $localRepository = $this->composer->getRepositoryManager()->getLocalRepository(); $localPackage = $localRepository->findPackage($package_name, $package->getVersion()); $extra = $localPackage->getExtra(); $extra['patches_applied'] = array(); foreach ($this->patches[$package_name] as $description => $url) { $this->io->write(' ' . $url . ' (' . $description. ')'); try { $this->eventDispatcher->dispatch(NULL, new PatchEvent(PatchEvents::PRE_PATCH_APPLY, $package, $url, $description)); $this->getAndApplyPatch($downloader, $install_path, $url); $this->eventDispatcher->dispatch(NULL, new PatchEvent(PatchEvents::POST_PATCH_APPLY, $package, $url, $description)); $extra['patches_applied'][$description] = $url; } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->io->write(' Could not apply patch! Skipping. The error was: ' . $e->getMessage() . ''); $extra = $this->composer->getPackage()->getExtra(); if (getenv('COMPOSER_EXIT_ON_PATCH_FAILURE') || !empty($extra['composer-exit-on-patch-failure'])) { throw new \Exception("Cannot apply patch $description ($url)!"); } } } $localPackage->setExtra($extra); $this->io->write(''); $this->writePatchReport($this->patches[$package_name], $install_path); } /** * Get a Package object from an OperationInterface object. * * @param OperationInterface $operation * @return PackageInterface * @throws \Exception */ protected function getPackageFromOperation(OperationInterface $operation) { if ($operation instanceof InstallOperation) { $package = $operation->getPackage(); } elseif ($operation instanceof UpdateOperation) { $package = $operation->getTargetPackage(); } else { throw new \Exception('Unknown operation: ' . get_class($operation)); } return $package; } /** * Apply a patch on code in the specified directory. * * @param RemoteFilesystem $downloader * @param $install_path * @param $patch_url * @throws \Exception */ protected function getAndApplyPatch(RemoteFilesystem $downloader, $install_path, $patch_url) { // Local patch file. if (file_exists($patch_url)) { $filename = realpath($patch_url); } else { // Generate random (but not cryptographically so) filename. $filename = uniqid(sys_get_temp_dir().'/') . ".patch"; // Download file from remote filesystem to this location. $hostname = parse_url($patch_url, PHP_URL_HOST); $downloader->copy($hostname, $patch_url, $filename, FALSE); } // Modified from $patched = FALSE; // The order here is intentional. p1 is most likely to apply with git apply. // p0 is next likely. p2 is extremely unlikely, but for some special cases, // it might be useful. $patch_levels = array('-p1', '-p0', '-p2'); foreach ($patch_levels as $patch_level) { $checked = $this->executeCommand('cd %s && git --git-dir=. apply --check %s %s', $install_path, $patch_level, $filename); if ($checked) { // Apply the first successful style. $patched = $this->executeCommand('cd %s && git --git-dir=. apply %s %s', $install_path, $patch_level, $filename); break; } } // In some rare cases, git will fail to apply a patch, fallback to using // the 'patch' command. if (!$patched) { foreach ($patch_levels as $patch_level) { // --no-backup-if-mismatch here is a hack that fixes some // differences between how patch works on windows and unix. if ($patched = $this->executeCommand("patch %s --no-backup-if-mismatch -d %s < %s", $patch_level, $install_path, $filename)) { break; } } } // Clean up the temporary patch file. if (isset($hostname)) { unlink($filename); } // If the patch *still* isn't applied, then give up and throw an Exception. // Otherwise, let the user know it worked. if (!$patched) { throw new \Exception("Cannot apply patch $patch_url"); } } /** * Checks if the root package enables patching. * * @return bool * Whether patching is enabled. Defaults to TRUE. */ protected function isPatchingEnabled() { $extra = $this->composer->getPackage()->getExtra(); if (empty($extra['patches']) && empty($extra['patches-ignore']) && !isset($extra['patches-file'])) { // The root package has no patches of its own, so only allow patching if // it has specifically opted in. return isset($extra['enable-patching']) ? $extra['enable-patching'] : FALSE; } else { return TRUE; } } /** * Writes a patch report to the target directory. * * @param array $patches * @param string $directory */ protected function writePatchReport($patches, $directory) { $output = "This file was automatically generated by Composer Patches (\n"; $output .= "Patches applied to this directory:\n\n"; foreach ($patches as $description => $url) { $output .= $description . "\n"; $output .= 'Source: ' . $url . "\n\n\n"; } file_put_contents($directory . "/PATCHES.txt", $output); } /** * Executes a shell command with escaping. * * @param string $cmd * @return bool */ protected function executeCommand($cmd) { // Shell-escape all arguments except the command. $args = func_get_args(); foreach ($args as $index => $arg) { if ($index !== 0) { $args[$index] = escapeshellarg($arg); } } // And replace the arguments. $command = call_user_func_array('sprintf', $args); $output = ''; if ($this->io->isVerbose()) { $this->io->write('' . $command . ''); $io = $this->io; $output = function ($type, $data) use ($io) { if ($type == Process::ERR) { $io->write('' . $data . ''); } else { $io->write('' . $data . ''); } }; } return ($this->executor->execute($command, $output) == 0); } /** * Recursively merge arrays without changing data types of values. * * Does not change the data types of the values in the arrays. Matching keys' * values in the second array overwrite those in the first array, as is the * case with array_merge. * * @param array $array1 * The first array. * @param array $array2 * The second array. * @return array * The merged array. * * @see */ protected function arrayMergeRecursiveDistinct(array $array1, array $array2) { $merged = $array1; foreach ($array2 as $key => &$value) { if (is_array($value) && isset($merged[$key]) && is_array($merged[$key])) { $merged[$key] = $this->arrayMergeRecursiveDistinct($merged[$key], $value); } else { $merged[$key] = $value; } } return $merged; } }