Updated to Drupal 8.5. Core Media not yet in use.
[yaffs-website] / web / modules / contrib / image_widget_crop / modules / image_widget_crop_examples / image_widget_crop_examples.info.yml
1 name: ImageWidgetCrop examples
2 type: module
3 description: Provides an out of box example implementation of ImageWidgetCrop.
4 # core: 8.x
5 package: Media
6 dependencies:
7   - node
8   - crop
9   - image
10   - user
11   - image_widget_crop
12   - inline_entity_form
13   - media
14   - responsive_image
15   - entity_browser
16   - ctools
17 theme:
18   - bartik
20 # Information added by Drupal.org packaging script on 2017-11-08
21 version: '8.x-2.1'
22 core: '8.x'
23 project: 'image_widget_crop'
24 datestamp: 1510138593