Updated Drupal to 8.6. This goes with the following updates because it's possible...
[yaffs-website] / web / core / profiles / standard / config / optional / workflows.workflow.editorial.yml
1 langcode: en
2 status: true
3 dependencies:
4   module:
5     - content_moderation
6 id: editorial
7 label: 'Editorial'
8 type: content_moderation
9 type_settings:
10   states:
11     archived:
12       label: Archived
13       weight: 5
14       published: false
15       default_revision: true
16     draft:
17       label: Draft
18       published: false
19       default_revision: false
20       weight: -5
21     published:
22       label: Published
23       published: true
24       default_revision: true
25       weight: 0
26   transitions:
27     archive:
28       label: Archive
29       from:
30         - published
31       to: archived
32       weight: 2
33     archived_draft:
34       label: 'Restore to Draft'
35       from:
36         - archived
37       to: draft
38       weight: 3
39     archived_published:
40       label: Restore
41       from:
42         - archived
43       to: published
44       weight: 4
45     create_new_draft:
46       label: 'Create New Draft'
47       to: draft
48       weight: 0
49       from:
50         - draft
51         - published
52     publish:
53       label: Publish
54       to: published
55       weight: 1
56       from:
57         - draft
58         - published
59   entity_types: {  }