Updated to Drupal 8.5. Core Media not yet in use.
[yaffs-website] / web / core / profiles / demo_umami / themes / umami / umami.info.yml
1 name: Umami
2 type: theme
3 base theme: classy
4 description: 'The theme used for the Umami food magazine demonstration site.'
5 version: VERSION
6 core: 8.x
7 libraries:
8   - umami/global
9   - umami/messages
10   - umami/webfonts
12 libraries-override:
13   classy/messages: false
15 regions:
16   header: Header
17   highlighted: Highlighted
18   tabs: Tabs
19   banner_top: 'Banner Top'
20   breadcrumbs: Breadcrumbs
21   page_title: 'Page Title'
22   content: Content
23   sidebar: Sidebar
24   footer: Footer
25   bottom: Bottom
26   page_top: 'Page top' # Needed by Drupal Core
27   page_bottom: 'Page bottom' # Needed by Drupal Core