Updated to Drupal 8.5. Core Media not yet in use.
[yaffs-website] / web / core / modules / system / migrations / d7_theme_settings.yml
1 id: d7_theme_settings
2 label: D7 theme settings
3 migration_tags:
4   - Drupal 7
5   - Configuration
6 source:
7   plugin: d7_theme_settings
8   constants:
9     config_suffix: '.settings'
10 process:
11   # Build the configuration name from the variable name, i.e.
12   # theme_bartik_settings becomes bartik.settings.
13   theme_name:
14     -
15       plugin: explode
16       source: name
17       delimiter: _
18     -
19       plugin: extract
20       index:
21         - 1
22   configuration_name:
23     plugin: concat
24     source:
25       - '@theme_name'
26       - constants/config_suffix
27   toggle_logo: theme_settings/toggle_logo
28   toggle_name: value/toggle_name
29   toggle_slogan: value/toggle_slogan
30   toggle_node_user_picture: value/toggle_node_user_picture
31   toggle_comment_user_picture: value/toggle_comment_user_picture
32   toggle_comment_user_verification: value/toggle_comment_user_verification
33   toggle_favicon: value/toggle_favicon
34   default_logo: value/default_logo
35   logo_path: value/logo_path
36   logo_upload: value/logo_upload
37   default_favicon: value/default_favicon
38   favicon_path: value/favicon_path
39   favicon_mimetype: value/favicon_mimetype
40 # Ignore settings not present in Drupal 8.
41 #  value/favicon_upload
42 #  value/toggle_main_menu
43 #  value/toggle_secondary_menu
44 destination:
45   plugin: d7_theme_settings