Updated to Drupal 8.6.4, which is PHP 7.3 friendly. Also updated HTMLaw library....
[yaffs-website] / web / core / modules / filter / migrations / d7_filter_format.yml
1 id: d7_filter_format
2 label: Filter format configuration
3 migration_tags:
4   - Drupal 7
5   - Configuration
6 source:
7   plugin: d7_filter_format
8 process:
9   format: format
10   name: name
11   cache: cache
12   weight: weight
13   filters:
14     plugin: sub_process
15     source: filters
16     key: '@id'
17     process:
18       id:
19         # If the filter ID cannot be mapped, it will pass through unmodified
20         # because the bypass flag is set. When the user actually tries to
21         # view text through an invalid filter plugin, the filter system will
22         # fall back to filter_null and display a helpful error message.
23         plugin: filter_id
24         bypass: true
25         source: name
26         # No need to map anything -- filter plugin IDs haven't changed since
27         # Drupal 7.
28         map: { }
29       settings:
30         plugin: filter_settings
31         source: settings
32       status:
33         plugin: default_value
34         default_value: true
35       weight: weight
36 destination:
37   plugin: entity:filter_format