Further Drupal 8.6.4 changes. Some core files were not committed before a commit...
[yaffs-website] / web / core / modules / field / migrations / d7_field.yml
1 id: d7_field
2 label: Field configuration
3 migration_tags:
4   - Drupal 7
5   - Configuration
6 class: Drupal\migrate_drupal\Plugin\migrate\FieldMigration
7 field_plugin_method: alterFieldMigration
8 source:
9   plugin: d7_field
10   constants:
11     status: true
12     langcode: und
13 process:
14   entity_type: entity_type
15   status: 'constants/status'
16   langcode: 'constants/langcode'
17   field_name: field_name
18   type:
19     plugin: process_field
20     source: type
21     method: getFieldType
22   # Translatable is not migrated and the Drupal 8 default of true is used.
23   # If translatable is false in field storage then the field can not be
24   # set to translatable via the UI.
25   #translatable: translatable
26   cardinality: cardinality
27   settings:
28     plugin: d7_field_settings
29 destination:
30   plugin: entity:field_storage_config