Further Drupal 8.6.4 changes. Some core files were not committed before a commit...
[yaffs-website] / web / core / modules / content_translation / migrations / d7_entity_reference_translation.yml
1 id: d7_entity_reference_translation
2 label: Entity reference translations
3 migration_tags:
4   - Drupal 7
5   - Multilingual
6   - Follow-up migration
7 deriver: Drupal\migrate_drupal\Plugin\migrate\EntityReferenceTranslationDeriver
8 provider:
9   - content_translation
10   - migrate_drupal
11 # Supported target types for entity reference translation migrations. The array
12 # keys are the supported target types and the values are arrays of migrations
13 # to lookup for the translated entity IDs.
14 target_types:
15   node:
16     - d7_node_translation
17 # The source plugin will be set by the deriver.
18 source:
19   plugin: empty
20   key: default
21   target: default
22 # The process pipeline will be set by the deriver.
23 process: []
24 # The destination plugin will be set by the deriver.
25 destination:
26   plugin: null