Updated Drupal to 8.6. This goes with the following updates because it's possible...
[yaffs-website] / web / core / modules / content_translation / migrations / d6_menu_links_translation.yml
1 id: d6_menu_links_translation
2 label: Menu links
3 migration_tags:
4   - Drupal 6
5   - Content
6   - Multilingual
7 source:
8   plugin: d6_menu_link_translation
9 process:
10   id: mlid
11   langcode: language
12   title:
13     -
14       plugin: callback
15       source:
16         - title_translated
17         - link_title
18       callable: array_filter
19     -
20       plugin: callback
21       callable: current
22   description:
23     -
24       plugin: callback
25       source:
26         - description_translated
27         - description
28       callable: array_filter
29     -
30       plugin: callback
31       callable: current
32   menu_name:
33     -
34       plugin: migration_lookup
35       # The menu migration is in the system module.
36       migration: d6_menu
37       source: menu_name
38     -
39       plugin: skip_on_empty
40       method: row
41     -
42       plugin: static_map
43       map:
44         management: admin
45       bypass: true
46 destination:
47   plugin: entity:menu_link_content
48   default_bundle: menu_link_content
49   no_stub: true
50   translations: true
51 migration_dependencies:
52   required:
53     - language
54     - d6_menu
55     - d6_menu_links