Updated to Drupal 8.6.4, which is PHP 7.3 friendly. Also updated HTMLaw library....
[yaffs-website] / web / core / modules / color / preview.es6.js
1 /**
2  * @file
3  * Attaches preview-related behavior for the Color module.
4  */
6 (function($, Drupal) {
7   /**
8    * Namespace for color-related functionality for Drupal.
9    *
10    * @namespace
11    */
12   Drupal.color = {
13     /**
14      * The callback for when the color preview has been attached.
15      *
16      * @param {Element} context
17      *   The context to initiate the color behaviour.
18      * @param {object} settings
19      *   Settings for the color functionality.
20      * @param {HTMLFormElement} form
21      *   The form to initiate the color behaviour on.
22      * @param {object} farb
23      *   The farbtastic object.
24      * @param {number} height
25      *   Height of gradient.
26      * @param {number} width
27      *   Width of gradient.
28      */
29     callback(context, settings, form, farb, height, width) {
30       let accum;
31       let delta;
32       // Solid background.
33       form
34         .find('.color-preview')
35         .css(
36           'backgroundColor',
37           form.find('.color-palette input[name="palette[base]"]').val(),
38         );
40       // Text preview.
41       form
42         .find('#text')
43         .css(
44           'color',
45           form.find('.color-palette input[name="palette[text]"]').val(),
46         );
47       form
48         .find('#text a, #text h2')
49         .css(
50           'color',
51           form.find('.color-palette input[name="palette[link]"]').val(),
52         );
54       function gradientLineColor(i, element) {
55         Object.keys(accum || {}).forEach(k => {
56           accum[k] += delta[k];
57         });
58         element.style.backgroundColor = farb.pack(accum);
59       }
61       // Set up gradients if there are some.
62       let colorStart;
63       let colorEnd;
64       Object.keys(settings.gradients || {}).forEach(i => {
65         colorStart = farb.unpack(
66           form
67             .find(
68               `.color-palette input[name="palette[${
69                 settings.gradients[i].colors[0]
70               }]"]`,
71             )
72             .val(),
73         );
74         colorEnd = farb.unpack(
75           form
76             .find(
77               `.color-palette input[name="palette[${
78                 settings.gradients[i].colors[1]
79               }]"]`,
80             )
81             .val(),
82         );
83         if (colorStart && colorEnd) {
84           delta = [];
85           Object.keys(colorStart || {}).forEach(colorStartKey => {
86             delta[colorStartKey] =
87               (colorEnd[colorStartKey] - colorStart[colorStartKey]) /
88               (settings.gradients[i].vertical ? height[i] : width[i]);
89           });
90           accum = colorStart;
91           // Render gradient lines.
92           form.find(`#gradient-${i} > div`).each(gradientLineColor);
93         }
94       });
95     },
96   };
97 })(jQuery, Drupal);