Added the Search API Synonym module to deal specifically with licence and license...
[yaffs-website] / vendor / symfony / config / Tests / Fixtures / Configuration / ExampleConfiguration.php
1 <?php
3 /*
4  * This file is part of the Symfony package.
5  *
6  * (c) Fabien Potencier <>
7  *
8  * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
9  * file that was distributed with this source code.
10  */
12 namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Tests\Fixtures\Configuration;
14 use Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\Builder\TreeBuilder;
15 use Symfony\Component\Config\Definition\ConfigurationInterface;
17 class ExampleConfiguration implements ConfigurationInterface
18 {
19     public function getConfigTreeBuilder()
20     {
21         $treeBuilder = new TreeBuilder();
22         $rootNode = $treeBuilder->root('acme_root');
24         $rootNode
25             ->fixXmlConfig('parameter')
26             ->fixXmlConfig('connection')
27             ->fixXmlConfig('cms_page')
28             ->children()
29                 ->booleanNode('boolean')->defaultTrue()->end()
30                 ->scalarNode('scalar_empty')->end()
31                 ->scalarNode('scalar_null')->defaultNull()->end()
32                 ->scalarNode('scalar_true')->defaultTrue()->end()
33                 ->scalarNode('scalar_false')->defaultFalse()->end()
34                 ->scalarNode('scalar_default')->defaultValue('default')->end()
35                 ->scalarNode('scalar_array_empty')->defaultValue(array())->end()
36                 ->scalarNode('scalar_array_defaults')->defaultValue(array('elem1', 'elem2'))->end()
37                 ->scalarNode('scalar_required')->isRequired()->end()
38                 ->scalarNode('scalar_deprecated')->setDeprecated()->end()
39                 ->scalarNode('scalar_deprecated_with_message')->setDeprecated('Deprecation custom message for "%node%" at "%path%"')->end()
40                 ->scalarNode('node_with_a_looong_name')->end()
41                 ->enumNode('enum_with_default')->values(array('this', 'that'))->defaultValue('this')->end()
42                 ->enumNode('enum')->values(array('this', 'that'))->end()
43                 ->arrayNode('array')
44                     ->info('some info')
45                     ->canBeUnset()
46                     ->children()
47                         ->scalarNode('child1')->end()
48                         ->scalarNode('child2')->end()
49                         ->scalarNode('child3')
50                             ->info(
51                                 "this is a long\n".
52                                 "multi-line info text\n".
53                                 'which should be indented'
54                             )
55                             ->example('example setting')
56                         ->end()
57                     ->end()
58                 ->end()
59                 ->arrayNode('scalar_prototyped')
60                     ->prototype('scalar')->end()
61                 ->end()
62                 ->arrayNode('parameters')
63                     ->useAttributeAsKey('name')
64                     ->prototype('scalar')->info('Parameter name')->end()
65                 ->end()
66                 ->arrayNode('connections')
67                     ->prototype('array')
68                         ->children()
69                             ->scalarNode('user')->end()
70                             ->scalarNode('pass')->end()
71                         ->end()
72                     ->end()
73                 ->end()
74                 ->arrayNode('cms_pages')
75                     ->useAttributeAsKey('page')
76                     ->prototype('array')
77                         ->useAttributeAsKey('locale')
78                         ->prototype('array')
79                             ->children()
80                                 ->scalarNode('title')->isRequired()->end()
81                                 ->scalarNode('path')->isRequired()->end()
82                             ->end()
83                         ->end()
84                     ->end()
85                 ->end()
86                 ->arrayNode('pipou')
87                     ->useAttributeAsKey('name')
88                     ->prototype('array')
89                         ->prototype('array')
90                             ->children()
91                                 ->scalarNode('didou')
92                                 ->end()
93                             ->end()
94                         ->end()
95                     ->end()
96                 ->end()
97             ->end()
98         ;
100         return $treeBuilder;
101     }
102 }