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[yaffs-website] / vendor / consolidation / robo / src / Task / Gulp / Run.php
1 <?php
2 namespace Robo\Task\Gulp;
4 use Robo\Contract\CommandInterface;
6 /**
7  * Gulp Run
8  *
9  * ``` php
10  * <?php
11  * // simple execution
12  * $this->taskGulpRun()->run();
13  *
14  * // run task 'clean' with --silent option
15  * $this->taskGulpRun('clean')
16  *      ->silent()
17  *      ->run();
18  * ?>
19  * ```
20  */
21 class Run extends Base implements CommandInterface
22 {
23     /**
24      * {@inheritdoc}
25      */
26     public function run()
27     {
28         if (strlen($this->arguments)) {
29             $this->printTaskInfo('Running Gulp task: {gulp_task} with arguments: {arguments}', ['gulp_task' => $this->task, 'arguments' => $this->arguments]);
30         } else {
31             $this->printTaskInfo('Running Gulp task: {gulp_task} without arguments', ['gulp_task' => $this->task]);
32         }
33         return $this->executeCommand($this->getCommand());
34     }
35 }