Added the Search API Synonym module to deal specifically with licence and license...
[yaffs-website] / vendor / consolidation / annotated-command / composer.json
1 {
2     "name": "consolidation/annotated-command",
3     "description": "Initialize Symfony Console commands from annotated command class methods.",
4     "license": "MIT",
5     "authors": [
6         {
7             "name": "Greg Anderson",
8             "email": ""
9         }
10     ],
11     "autoload":{
12         "psr-4":{
13             "Consolidation\\AnnotatedCommand\\": "src"
14         }
15     },
16     "autoload-dev": {
17         "psr-4": {
18             "Consolidation\\TestUtils\\": "tests/src"
19         }
20     },
21     "require": {
22         "php": ">=5.4.0",
23         "consolidation/output-formatters": "^3.1.12",
24         "psr/log": "^1",
25         "symfony/console": "^2.8|^3|^4",
26         "symfony/event-dispatcher": "^2.5|^3|^4",
27         "symfony/finder": "^2.5|^3|^4"
28     },
29     "require-dev": {
30         "phpunit/phpunit": "^6",
31         "satooshi/php-coveralls": "^2",
32         "g1a/composer-test-scenarios": "^2",
33         "squizlabs/php_codesniffer": "^2.7"
34     },
35     "config": {
36         "optimize-autoloader": true,
37         "sort-packages": true,
38         "platform": {
39             "php": "7.0.8"
40         }
41     },
42     "scripts": {
43         "cs": "phpcs --standard=PSR2 -n src",
44         "cbf": "phpcbf --standard=PSR2 -n src",
45         "unit": "SHELL_INTERACTIVE=true phpunit --colors=always",
46         "lint": [
47             "find src -name '*.php' -print0 | xargs -0 -n1 php -l",
48             "find tests/src -name '*.php' -print0 | xargs -0 -n1 php -l"
49         ],
50         "test": [
51             "@lint",
52             "@unit",
53             "@cs"
54         ],
55         "scenario": "scenarios/install",
56         "post-update-cmd": [
57             "create-scenario symfony4 'symfony/console:^4.0' --platform-php '7.1.3'",
58             "create-scenario symfony2 'symfony/console:^2.8' 'phpunit/phpunit:^4.8.36' --remove 'satooshi/php-coveralls' --platform-php '5.4' --no-lockfile",
59             "create-scenario phpunit4 'phpunit/phpunit:^4.8.36' --remove 'satooshi/php-coveralls' --platform-php '5.4'",
60             "dependency-licenses"
61         ]
62     },
63     "extra": {
64         "branch-alias": {
65             "dev-master": "2.x-dev"
66         }
67     }
68 }