[yaffs-website] / test_views / views.view.test_argument_node_uid_revision.yml
1 langcode: en
2 status: true
3 dependencies:
4   module:
5     - node
6     - user
7 id: test_argument_node_uid_revision
8 label: test_argument_node_uid_revision
9 module: views
10 description: ''
11 tag: default
12 base_table: node_field_data
13 base_field: nid
14 core: 8.0-dev
15 display:
16   default:
17     display_options:
18       access:
19         type: perm
20       cache:
21         type: tag
22       exposed_form:
23         type: basic
24       fields:
25         nid:
26           id: nid
27           table: node_field_data
28           field: nid
29           plugin_id: field
30           entity_type: node
31           entity_field: nid
32       filter_groups:
33         groups:
34           1: AND
35         operator: AND
36       filters: {  }
37       sorts:
38         nid:
39           id: nid
40           table: node_field_data
41           field: nid
42           order: ASC
43           plugin_id: standard
44           relationship: none
45           entity_type: node
46           entity_field: nid
47       pager:
48         type: full
49       query:
50         type: views_query
51       style:
52         type: default
53       row:
54         type: fields
55       display_extenders: {  }
56       arguments:
57         uid_revision:
58           id: uid_revision
59           table: node_field_data
60           field: uid_revision
61           relationship: none
62           group_type: group
63           admin_label: ''
64           default_action: empty
65           exception:
66             value: all
67             title_enable: false
68             title: All
69           title_enable: false
70           title: ''
71           default_argument_type: fixed
72           default_argument_options:
73             argument: ''
74           default_argument_skip_url: false
75           summary_options:
76             base_path: ''
77             count: true
78             items_per_page: 25
79             override: false
80           summary:
81             sort_order: asc
82             number_of_records: 0
83             format: default_summary
84           specify_validation: false
85           validate:
86             type: none
87             fail: 'not found'
88           validate_options: {  }
89           break_phrase: false
90           not: false
91           entity_type: node
92           plugin_id: node_uid_revision
93     display_plugin: default
94     display_title: Master
95     id: default
96     position: 0
97     cache_metadata:
98       max-age: -1
99       contexts:
100         - 'languages:language_content'
101         - 'languages:language_interface'
102         - url
103         - url.query_args
104         - 'user.node_grants:view'
105         - user.permissions
106       tags: {  }