Updated all the contrib modules to their latest versions.
[yaffs-website] / node_modules / resolve / lib / core.json
1 {
2     "*": [
3         "assert",
4         "buffer_ieee754",
5         "buffer",
6         "child_process",
7         "cluster",
8         "console",
9         "constants",
10         "crypto",
11         "_debugger",
12         "dgram",
13         "dns",
14         "domain",
15         "events",
16         "freelist",
17         "fs",
18         "http",
19         "https",
20         "_linklist",
21         "module",
22         "net",
23         "os",
24         "path",
25         "punycode",
26         "querystring",
27         "readline",
28         "repl",
29         "stream",
30         "string_decoder",
31         "sys",
32         "timers",
33         "tls",
34         "tty",
35         "url",
36         "util",
37         "vm",
38         "zlib"
39     ],
40     "0.11": [
41         "_http_server"
42     ],
43     "1.0": [
44         "process",
45         "v8"
46     ]
47 }