Updated all the contrib modules to their latest versions.
[yaffs-website] / node_modules / node-sass / binding.gyp
1 {
2   'variables': {
3       'libsass_ext%': '',
4   },
5   'targets': [
6     {
7       'target_name': 'binding',
8       'win_delay_load_hook': 'true',
9       'sources': [
10         'src/binding.cpp',
11         'src/create_string.cpp',
12         'src/custom_function_bridge.cpp',
13         'src/custom_importer_bridge.cpp',
14         'src/sass_context_wrapper.cpp',
15         'src/sass_types/boolean.cpp',
16         'src/sass_types/color.cpp',
17         'src/sass_types/error.cpp',
18         'src/sass_types/factory.cpp',
19         'src/sass_types/list.cpp',
20         'src/sass_types/map.cpp',
21         'src/sass_types/null.cpp',
22         'src/sass_types/number.cpp',
23         'src/sass_types/string.cpp'
24       ],
25       'msvs_settings': {
26         'VCLinkerTool': {
27            'SetChecksum': 'true'
28         }
29       },
30       'xcode_settings': {
32           '-std=c++11'
33         ],
34         'OTHER_LDFLAGS': [],
36         'MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET': '10.7'
37       },
38       'include_dirs': [
39         '<!(node -e "require(\'nan\')")',
40       ],
41       'conditions': [
42         ['libsass_ext == "" or libsass_ext == "no"', {
43           'dependencies': [
44             'src/libsass.gyp:libsass',
45           ]
46         }],
47         ['libsass_ext == "auto"', {
48           'cflags_cc': [
49             '<!(pkg-config --cflags libsass)',
50           ],
51           'link_settings': {
52             'ldflags': [
53               '<!(pkg-config --libs-only-other --libs-only-L libsass)',
54             ],
55             'libraries': [
56               '<!(pkg-config --libs-only-l libsass)',
57             ],
58           }
59         }],
60         ['libsass_ext == "yes"', {
61           'cflags_cc': [
62             '<(libsass_cflags)',
63           ],
64           'link_settings': {
65             'ldflags': [
66               '<(libsass_ldflags)',
67             ],
68             'libraries': [
69               '<(libsass_library)',
70             ],
71           }
72         }],
73         ['OS=="win" and MSVS_VERSION == "2015"', {
74           'msvs_settings': {
75             'VCCLCompilerTool': {
76               'AdditionalOptions': [
77                 # disable Thread-Safe "Magic" for local static variables
78                 '/Zc:threadSafeInit-',
79               ],
80             },
81           },
82         }],
83         ['OS!="win"', {
84           'cflags_cc+': [
85             '-std=c++0x'
86           ]
87         }]
88       ]
89     }
90   ]
91 }