Added Entity and Entity Reference Revisions which got dropped somewhere along the...
[yaffs-website] / node_modules / json-schema / lib / links.js
1 /** \r
2  * JSON Schema link handler\r
3  * Copyright (c) 2007 Kris Zyp SitePen (\r
4  * Licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt) license.\r
5  */\r
6 (function (root, factory) {\r
7     if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {\r
8         // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.\r
9         define([], function () {\r
10             return factory();\r
11         });\r
12     } else if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) {\r
13         // Node. Does not work with strict CommonJS, but\r
14         // only CommonJS-like environments that support module.exports,\r
15         // like Node.\r
16         module.exports = factory();\r
17     } else {\r
18         // Browser globals\r
19         root.jsonSchemaLinks = factory();\r
20     }\r
21 }(this, function () {// setup primitive classes to be JSON Schema types\r
22 var exports = {};\r
23 exports.cacheLinks = true;\r
24 exports.getLink = function(relation, instance, schema){\r
25         // gets the URI of the link for the given relation based on the instance and schema\r
26         // for example:\r
27         // getLink(\r
28         //              "brother", \r
29         //              {"brother_id":33}, \r
30         //              {links:[{rel:"brother", href:"Brother/{brother_id}"}]}) ->\r
31         //      "Brother/33"\r
32         var links = schema.__linkTemplates; \r
33         if(!links){\r
34                 links = {};\r
35                 var schemaLinks = schema.links;\r
36                 if(schemaLinks && schemaLinks instanceof Array){\r
37                         schemaLinks.forEach(function(link){\r
38         /*                      // TODO: allow for multiple same-name relations\r
39                                 if(links[link.rel]){\r
40                                         if(!(links[link.rel] instanceof Array)){\r
41                                                 links[link.rel] = [links[link.rel]];\r
42                                         }\r
43                                 }*/\r
44                                 links[link.rel] = link.href;\r
45                         });\r
46                 }\r
47                 if(exports.cacheLinks){\r
48                         schema.__linkTemplates = links;\r
49                 }\r
50         }\r
51         var linkTemplate = links[relation];\r
52         return linkTemplate && exports.substitute(linkTemplate, instance);\r
53 };\r
54 \r
55 exports.substitute = function(linkTemplate, instance){\r
56         return linkTemplate.replace(/\{([^\}]*)\}/g, function(t, property){\r
57                         var value = instance[decodeURIComponent(property)];\r
58                         if(value instanceof Array){\r
59                                 // the value is an array, it should produce a URI like /Table/(4,5,8) and store.get() should handle that as an array of values\r
60                                 return '(' + value.join(',') + ')';\r
61                         }\r
62                         return value;\r
63                 });\r
64 };\r
65 return exports;\r
66 }));