[yaffs-website] / d7_field_instance_widget_settings.yml
1 id: d7_field_instance_widget_settings
2 label: Field instance widget configuration
3 migration_tags:
4   - Drupal 7
5   - Configuration
6 class: Drupal\migrate_drupal\Plugin\migrate\FieldMigration
7 field_plugin_method: alterFieldWidgetMigration
8 source:
9   plugin: d7_field_instance_per_form_display
10   constants:
11     form_mode: default
12     third_party_settings: { }
13 process:
14   # We skip field types that don't exist because they weren't migrated by the
15   # field migration.
16   field_type_exists:
17     -
18       plugin: migration_lookup
19       migration: d7_field
20       source:
21         - field_name
22         - entity_type
23     -
24       plugin: extract
25       index:
26         - 0
27     -
28       plugin: skip_on_empty
29       method: row
30   # The bundle needs to be statically mapped in order to support comment types
31   # that might already exist before this migration is run. See
32   # d7_comment_type.yml for more information.
33   bundle:
34     plugin: static_map
35     source: bundle
36     bypass: true
37     map:
38       comment_node_forum: comment_forum
39   form_mode: 'constants/form_mode'
40   field_name: field_name
41   entity_type: entity_type
42   'options/weight': 'widget/weight'
43   widget_type:
44     plugin: process_field
45     source: type
46     method: getFieldWidgetType
47   'options/type':
48     type:
49       plugin: static_map
50       bypass: true
51       source: '@widget_type'
52       map:
53         link_field: link_default
54         email_textfield: email_default
55         date_select: datetime_default
56         date_text: datetime_default
57         date_popup: datetime_default
58         media_generic: file_generic
59         phone_textfield: telephone_default
60         options_onoff: boolean_checkbox
61         entityreference_autocomplete: entity_reference_autocomplete
62         entityreference_autocomplete_tags: entity_reference_autocomplete_tags
63         taxonomy_autocomplete: entity_reference_autocomplete
64   'options/settings':
65     plugin: field_instance_widget_settings
66     source:
67       - 'widget/type'
68       - 'widget/settings'
69   'options/third_party_settings': 'constants/third_party_settings'
70 destination:
71   plugin: component_entity_form_display
72 migration_dependencies:
73   required:
74     - d7_field_instance