[yaffs-website] / d6_field_formatter_settings.yml
1 id: d6_field_formatter_settings
2 label: Field formatter configuration
3 migration_tags:
4   - Drupal 6
5   - Configuration
6 class: Drupal\migrate_drupal\Plugin\migrate\FieldMigration
7 field_plugin_method: alterFieldFormatterMigration
8 source:
9   plugin: d6_field_instance_per_view_mode
10   constants:
11     entity_type: node
12     third_party_settings: { }
14 process:
15   # We skip field types that don't exist because they weren't migrated by the
16   # field migration.
17   field_type_exists:
18     -
19       plugin: migration_lookup
20       migration: d6_field
21       source:
22         - field_name
23     -
24       plugin: skip_on_empty
25       method: row
26     -
27       plugin: extract
28       index:
29         - 1
30   entity_type: 'constants/entity_type'
31   bundle:
32     -
33       plugin: migration_lookup
34       migration: d6_node_type
35       source: type_name
36     -
37       plugin: skip_on_empty
38       method: row
39   view_mode:
40     -
41       plugin: migration_lookup
42       migration: d6_view_modes
43       source:
44         - view_mode
45     -
46       plugin: skip_on_empty
47       method: row
48     -
49       plugin: extract
50       index:
51         - 1
52     -
53       plugin: static_map
54       bypass: true
55       map:
56         full: default
57   field_name: field_name
58   "options/label": label
59   "options/weight": weight
60   "options/type":
61       -
62         plugin: static_map
63         bypass: true
64         source:
65           - type
66           - 'display_settings/format'
67         map:
68           number_integer:
69             default: number_integer
70             us_0: number_integer
71             be_0: number_integer
72             fr_0: number_integer
73             unformatted: number_unformatted
74           number_float:
75             default: number_decimal
76             us_0: number_decimal
77             us_1: number_decimal
78             us_2: number_decimal
79             be_0: number_decimal
80             be_1: number_decimal
81             be_2: number_decimal
82             fr_0: number_decimal
83             fr_1: number_decimal
84             fr_2: number_decimal
85             unformatted: number_unformatted
86           number_decimal:
87             default: number_decimal
88             us_0: number_decimal
89             us_1: number_decimal
90             us_2: number_decimal
91             be_0: number_decimal
92             be_1: number_decimal
93             be_2: number_decimal
94             fr_0: number_decimal
95             fr_1: number_decimal
96             fr_2: number_decimal
97             unformatted: number_unformatted
98           email:
99             default: email_mailto
100             spamspan: email_mailto
101             contact: email_mailto
102             plain: basic_string
103           fr_phone:
104             default: basic_string
105           be_phone:
106             default: basic_string
107           it_phone:
108             default: basic_string
109           el_phone:
110             default: basic_string
111           ch_phone:
112             default: basic_string
113           ca_phone:
114             default: basic_string
115           cr_phone:
116             default: basic_string
117           pa_phone:
118             default: basic_string
119           gb_phone:
120             default: basic_string
121           ru_phone:
122             default: basic_string
123           ua_phone:
124             default: basic_string
125           es_phone:
126             default: basic_string
127           au_phone:
128             default: basic_string
129           cs_phone:
130             default: basic_string
131           hu_phone:
132             default: basic_string
133           pl_phone:
134             default: basic_string
135           nl_phone:
136             default: basic_string
137           se_phone:
138             default: basic_string
139           za_phone:
140             default: basic_string
141           il_phone:
142             default: basic_string
143           nz_phone:
144             default: basic_string
145           br_phone:
146             default: basic_string
147           cl_phone:
148             default: basic_string
149           cn_phone:
150             default: basic_string
151           hk_phone:
152             default: basic_string
153           mo_phone:
154             default: basic_string
155           ph_phone:
156             default: basic_string
157           sg_phone:
158             default: basic_string
159           jo_phone:
160             default: basic_string
161           eg_phone:
162             default: basic_string
163           pk_phone:
164             default: basic_string
165           int_phone:
166             default: basic_string
167           nodereference:
168             default: entity_reference_label
169             plain: entity_reference_label
170             full: entity_reference_entity_view
171             teaser: entity_reference_entity_view
172           userreference:
173             default: entity_reference_label
174             plain: entity_reference_label
175       -
176         plugin: d6_field_type_defaults
177   "options/settings":
178     -
179       plugin: static_map
180       bypass: true
181       source:
182         - module
183         - 'display_settings/format'
184       map:
185         nodereference:
186           default: { }
187           plain:
188             link: false
189           full:
190             view_mode: full
191           teaser:
192             view_mode: teaser
193         userreference:
194           default: { }
195           plain:
196             link: false
197         link:
198           default:
199             trim_length: '80'
200             url_only: 0
201             url_plain: 0
202             rel: 0
203             target: 0
204           plain:
205             trim_length: '80'
206             url_only: 1
207             url_plain: 1
208             rel: 0
209             target: 0
210           absolute:
211             trim_length: '80'
212             url_only: 1
213             url_plain: 1
214             rel: 0
215             target: 0
216           title_plain: #can't support title as plain text.
217             trim_length: '80'
218             url_only: 1
219             url_plain: 1
220             rel: 0
221             target: 0
222           url:
223             trim_length: '80'
224             url_only: 1
225             url_plain: 0
226             rel: 0
227             target: 0
228           short: #can't support hardcoded link text?
229             trim_length: '80'
230             url_only: 0
231             url_plain: 0
232             rel: 0
233             target: 0
234           label: # can't support label as link text?
235             trim_length: '80'
236             url_only: 0
237             url_plain: 0
238             rel: 0
239             target: 0
240           separate:
241             trim_length: '80'
242             rel: 0
243             target: 0
244         filefield:
245           image_plain:
246             image_style: ''
247             image_link: ''
248           image_nodelink:
249             image_style: ''
250             image_link: content
251           image_imagelink:
252             image_style: ''
253             image_link: file
254         date:
255           default:
256             format_type: fallback
257             timezone_override: ''
258           format_interval:
259             format_type: fallback
260             timezone_override: ''
261           long:
262             format_type: long
263             timezone_override: ''
264           medium:
265             format_type: medium
266             timezone_override: ''
267           short:
268             format_type: short
269             timezone_override: ''
270         text:
271           trimmed:
272             trim_length: 600
273         string:
274           default:
275             link_to_entity: false
276     -
277       plugin: field_formatter_settings_defaults
278   "options/third_party_settings": 'constants/third_party_settings'
280 destination:
281   plugin: component_entity_display
282 migration_dependencies:
283   required:
284     - d6_field_instance
285     - d6_view_modes